Events (28)
All Events (28)
- application-deletedv0.0.1The draft LPA application has been deletedProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- application-updatedv0.0.1The draft LPA application's details have changedProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- attorney-startedv0.0.1An attorney, replacement attorney, trust corporation or replacement trust corporation has been prompted to sign their declarationsProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- certificate-provider-startedv0.0.1The certificate provider has been prompted to provide the certificateProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- certificate-provider-submission-completedv0.0.1The certificate provider has completed their LPA submissionProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- client-createdv0.0.1A client has been created in SiriusProducers (1)Subscribers (1)Supervision
- correspondent-updatedv0.0.1The correspondent details for the LPA have been updated.Producers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- credit-on-accountv0.0.1The client has credit on account that cannot be applied to any open invoice or debtProducers (1)Subscribers (1)Supervision
- debt-position-changedv0.0.1The debt position for a client has changedProducers (1)Subscribers (1)Supervision
- donor-submission-completedv0.0.1The donor has completed their LPA submissionProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- evidence-receivedv0.0.1The OPG has received paper evidence to support a donor's reduced fee applicationProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- finance-admin-uploadv0.0.1The payment report has been uploadedProducers (1)Subscribers (1)Supervision
- finance-admin-upload-processedv0.0.1The payment report has been successfully processedProducers (1)Subscribers (1)Supervision
- further-info-requestedv0.0.1An OPG user has sent a letter to the donor to request further information to support their application to pay a reduced feeProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- identity-check-mismatchedv0.0.1The identity check returned details that don't match what was entered.Producers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- identity-check-resolvedv0.0.1An offline identity check has been resolvedProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- letter-requestedv0.0.1A letter is requested to be sentProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- lpa-access-grantedv0.0.1Actor granted access in Use An LPAProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- lpa-updatedv0.0.1The LPA's details have changedProducers (1)Subscribers (2)POAS
- notification-sentv0.0.1The notification has been sent by MRLPA to an actor on a LPAProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- paper-form-requestedv0.0.1MRLPA has requested a paper form be sent to the certificate provider or an attorneyProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- payment-receivedv0.0.1The payment has been successful in GOV.UK PayProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- priority-correspondence-sentv0.0.1An OPG user has sent a letter to the online donor to inform about a problem which needs attention.Producers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- reduced-fee-approvedv0.0.1An OPG user has approved the donor's application to pay a reduced feeProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- reduced-fee-declinedv0.0.1An OPG user has declined the donor's application to pay a reduced feeProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- reduced-fee-evidence-receivedv0.0.1The evidence uploaded to support a reduced fee request has arrived in SiriusProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- reduced-fee-requestedv0.0.1The donor has requested to pay a reduced feeProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS
- uid-requestedv0.0.1A UID has been requested for the LPAProducers (1)Subscribers (1)POAS