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Risk Assessment Scores to Delius

This integration service listens for domain events generated by the OASys Offender Assessment system and updates Delius with changes to the following risk scores:

  • Risk of serious recidivism (RSR)
  • OASys sexual reoffending predictor (OSP)
  • Offender group reconviction scale (OGRS)

The scores are updated when an OASys risk assessment is submitted for a Person on Probation.

Business need

Helps the business users understand the actuarial risk predictors within the Delius user interface.

Data dependencies

This integration service is used to update the RSR and OSP risk scores in Delius. The service will also add/update scores from OGRS risk assessments for a Person on Probation and an Event in Delius.

Context map - Risk Assessment Data


Business Event Message Event Type/Filter
Risk scores updated risk-assessment.scores.rsr.determined
Risk assessment risk-assessment.scores.ogrs.determined

Risk Score Workflow

Two types of scores are provided in the risk score data: risk of serious recidivism (RAR) and OASys sexual reoffending predictor (OSP). The scores are updated in Delius.

OGRS Risk Assessment Workflow

An OGRS risk assessment is conducted for a Person on Probation for a specific Event. The offender group reconviction scale (OGRS) score is stored or updated in Delius when the risk assessment is submitted.


Message Formats

The service responds to HMPPS Domain Event messages via the Risk Assessment Scores and Delius Queue.

Example messages are in the development source tree.

Incoming messages are filtered on eventType by the SQS queue policy

OASys Domain Event

Sample message:

  "eventType": "risk-assessment.scores.rsr.determined",
  "version": 1,
  "description": "Risk assessment scores have been determined",
  "detailUrl": "https://some-url-where-we-can-get-more-info-this-might-not-exist",
  "occurredAt": "2022-09-22T12:16:04+01:00",
  "additionalInformation": {
    "RSRScore": 45.33,
    "RSRBand": "H",
    "RSRStaticOrDynamic": "STATIC",
    "OSPIndecentScore": 5.79,
    "OSPIndecentBand": "H",
    "OSPContactScore": 38.70,
    "OSPContactBand": "V",
    "EventNumber": 1,
    "AssessmentDate": "2022-09-22T12:16:04+01:00"
  "personReference": {
    "identifiers": [
        "type": "CRN",
        "value": "X552020"