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Prison Custody Status to Delius

Inbound service that responds to events raised when the custody status of a person in prison changes. The service is notified when a person is released from prison or a person is recalled to prison. The information about the specific type of custody status is contained in the notification message. Thisa is used to add and update Custody records in Delius to ensure the correct case history is maintained and the person’s current location is accurately recorded. We also create any necessary Contacts, terminate Licence Conditions as needed. The necessary audit logs and IAPS events are also added

Business Need

Removes the need for Probation Practitioners to manually update Delius with the custody status of a person as they move in and out of prison.

Data Dependencies

Delius depends on NOMIS to inform when a Person on Probation has been released from custody. To do this the Delius record must have been previously matched with a NOMIS record and the NOMS Number must have been added to the Delius record. The custody status processing may depend on the NOMIS Movement Reason Code to determine the type of release. The NOMIS Institution that the person is leaving is added to the Delius Release record based on the NOMIS Institution CDE Code. If the message also contains an Institution CDE Code for the institution that the person is being released to, as in the case of a release to a secure hospital or IRC, then this will be used to update the person’s current location.

Context Map

Context Map


Delius custody status workflows are triggered in real time by notification messages from NOMIS

Release from Custody

Custody release messages are processed when a person’s release is recorded in NOMIS

Business Event Event Type / Filter
Release from Custody prison-offender-events.prisoner.released

Release Workflow

Recall to Custody

Custody received messages are processed when a person’s arrival at a custody location is recorded in NOMIS

Business Event Event Type / Filter
Recall to Custody prison-offender-events.prisoner.received

Release Workflow


Message Formats

The service responds to HMPPS Domain Event messages via the HMPPS Prison Custody Status to Delius Queue The events are raised by the Prison Offender Events service, which responds to changes made in the NOMIS database.

Example messages are in the development source tree.

Incoming messages are filtered on the eventType attribute by the SQS queue policy.

Custody Status Details

As we are not able to process all types of custody activity we use the details in the additionalInformation field to determine whether the specific notification is suitable to be ingested into Delius. Currently we are able to process the following custody change types:

Custody Change Type Reason Code
Release Released on Adult Licence / Secure Hospital RELEASED
Release Released to a Secure Hospital RELEASED_TO_HOSPITAL
Recall Recall to Custodial Establishment ADMISSION
Recall Recall - End of Temporary Licence TEMPORARY_ABSENCE_RETURN
Recall Transfer from Other Establishment TRANSFERRED

End-to-End Test

The service is end-to-end tested using a combination of Prison API calls and Delius UI inspection.