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Person Search Index From Delius

Outbound service that sends details of people on probation held in the Delius database to an indexing process. The resulting index supports searching and matching details of people on probation and makes up the core of the Probation Offender Search service. The service is based on an instance of Logstash

HMPPS Business Need

Searching and matching records held on people on probation is needed by multiple systems within HMPPS. This service provides full and incremental indexing to ensure that we provide search and match capability for people on probation using an up-to-date dataset. The index is refreshed on a daily schedule and incrementally updated during the working day based on Delius data events.

HMPPS Domain Mapping

The person search index contains the elements of Core Person Record that are currently stored in the Delius database. This includes information on their relationship with the probation service (Person OMiC/POM/COM), the Person Location and overview data on the person’s Sentence/Offence

Context Map / Interfaces

The service takes data from the Delius database and converts to the document format that forms the ‘offender’ response of both Probation Offender Search and Community API. This document format is the de-facto representation of the person on probation as used by HMPPS Digital services. The data format can be seen in the response definitions of Probation Offender Search

The mappings between the indexed document data format and the Delius database fields are within the Delius database query that forms the core of the indexing process.

The search and match functionality of Probation Offender Search is determined by the index template and the indexing pipeline which together define the pre-processing and field analysis that result in a searchable index.

Processing Pipeline

Processing Pipeline

Downstream Business Functionality

  • Search of people on probation in HMPPS Digital services including NDelius
  • Matching of people within HMPPS Digital services
  • Matching of people to determine links between prison and probation systems

Relevant HMPPS Domain/Data Events

Incremental indexing is supported by Probation Data Events