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Custody Key Dates and Delius

Business Need

Inbound service that keeps Delius updated with key date changes recorded in custody services, primarily NOMIS.

Context Map

Context Map


The service responds to HMPPS Offender Event messages via an SQS Queue.

Example messages are in the development source tree

Event Triggers

Business Event Message Class Message Event Type / Filter
Release date changed in NOMIS/DPS Offender Event CONFIRMED_RELEASE_DATE-CHANGED
Sentence dates changed in NOMIS/DPS Offender Event SENTENCE_DATES-CHANGED
General key date change in NOMIS/DPS Offender Event KEY_DATE_ADJUSTMENT_UPSERTED
General key date deletion in NOMIS/DPS Offender Event KEY_DATE_ADJUSTMENT_DELETED


Update Key Dates

Key Dates Workflow

Custody Key Dates Recorded in Delius

Prison API provides a set of dates recorded in NOMIS that are recorded in the Throughcare section of Delius when the key dates updates are triggered. The dates are displayed in the ‘Throughcare Dates’ and ‘Additional Throughcare Dates’ section of the ‘Throughcare Details’ screen, which is accessed via the Delius Event. All dates that do not match the existing Delius values will be updated on receiving an event trigger. The custody dates obtained via Prison API are:

  • Sentence Expiry Date
  • Licence Expiry Date
  • Conditional Release Date / Override Date
  • Expected Release Date
  • Home Detention Curfew Eligibility Date
  • Post Sentence Supervision End Date