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CAS2 and Delius

Service that responds to Community Accommodation Services Tier 2 (CAS2) domain events. The service is responsible for updating Delius with progress of referrals to short-term accommodation for people released from custody on Home Detention Curfew or bail.

Business Need

Ensuring the Probation Practitioner has an up-to-date view of activity in the CAS2 service when interacting with the probation case via Delius.

Context Map

Context Map


CAS2 domain events are raised in real time as referral applications are processed. There is a single update domain event to inform of progress or changes to the referral application.

Create a CAS2 Referral Application

A referral application is created in the CAS2 service which is reflected in a Delius contact. An EXTERNAL_REFERENCE URN is added to the contact in the form urn:hmpps:cas2:application-submitted:{referralId} using the CAS2 referral ID as a unique reference.

Business Event Message Event Type / Filter
Submission of a accommodation referral application applications.cas2.application.submitted

Context Map

Update the Status of a CAS2 Referral Application

A referral application is updated in the CAS2 service which is reflected in a Delius contact. Only a single update contact exists in Delius for any single CAS2 referral and the contact is updated with the latest status. An EXTERNAL_REFERENCE URN is added to the contact in the form urn:hmpps:cas2:application-status-updated:{referralId} using the CAS2 referral ID as a unique reference.

Business Event Message Event Type / Filter
Update to the status of an accommodation referral application applications.cas2.application.status-updated

Context Map


Message Interface

The service responds to HMPPS Domain Event messages via the Queue. The events are raised by the HMPPS Approved Premises API which handles backend integration for the CAS2 UI

Example messages are in the development source tree.

Incoming messages are filtered on eventType by the SQS queue policy