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Approved Premises and Delius

Service that responds to Approved Premises domain events, calls the HMPPS Approved Premises API and records referral progress against the probation case record in Delius. We also provide an API to give probation case information to support making approved premises referrals.

Business Need

Supporting the Approved Premises service with the correct information required to make an Approved Premises application and ensuring the Probation Practitioner has an up-to-date view of activity in the Approved Premises service when interacting with the probation case via Delius.

Data Dependencies

Approved Premises (CAS1) depends on Delius data for background on the relevant Person on Probation and the specific Probation Case when making an approved premises referral. There is also a dependency on Probation Practitioner information and Probation Documents used in the referral process.

Context Map

Context Map


Approved Premises domain events are raised in real time as approved premises referrals are processed. The progressive stages of a referral are raised as separate events.

Approved Premises Referral Application Workflows

Approved Premises (CAS1) referral activity is reflected in Delius via simple notification contacts, intended to log updates to the case and inform probation practitioners of changes.

Business Event HMPPS Domain Event Type
A referral to an approved premises has been assessed approved-premises.application.assessed
A referral to an approved premises has been submitted approved-premises.application.submitted
A referral to an approved premises has been withdrawn approved-premises.application.withdrawn

Workflow Map

Approved Premises Booking Workflows

Approved Premises (CAS1) bookings are reflected in Delius via the entries in the APPROVED_PREMISES database table, which appear in the Delius UI as the Approved Premises Diary and Approved Premises Referrals screens. The information held in Delius is kept up-to-date with the activity in the Approved Premises CAS1 service via processing of specific domain events. The information is duplicated in Delius for the purposes of maintaining MIS reports that depend on certain aspects of the data related to arrival and departure dates.

Booking Made Workflow

Business Event HMPPS Domain Event Type
An approved premises booking has been completed

Workflow Map

Booking Changed Workflow

Business Event HMPPS Domain Event Type
An approved premises booking has been changed

Workflow Map

Booking Cancelled Workflow

Business Event HMPPS Domain Event Type
An approved premises booking has been cancelled

Workflow Map


Message Formats

The service responds to various HMPPS Domain Event message via the Approved Premises and Delius Queue. The events are raised by the HMPPS Approved Premises Service to communicate important events in the approved premises referrals process.

Example messages are in the development source tree.

Incoming messages are filtered on eventType by the SQS queue policy


API endpoints are secured by roles supplied by the HMPPS Auth client used in the requests

API Endpoint Required Role
/approved-premises/{code}/staff ROLE_APPROVED_PREMISES_STAFF
/teams/managingCase/{crn} ROLE_APPROVED_PREMISES_STAFF