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DNS/DHCP Admin Portal - Dependabot

Repositories required: - DNS DHCP Admin Repository - DHCP Server Repository

git clone
git clone

Dependabot Example

We will use the omniauth-rails_csrf_protection dependabot PR listed here to describe the steps taken when working on a dependabot PR. This will include local setup of both the portal and DHCP server, the latter however is not required in this specific example, given the nature of the upgrade.


Dependabot monitors repository gem files and creates pull requests on respective repositories with out-of-date gems.

If you do not have the repository in question: git clone

Presuming you already have the repository, start on the main branch.

  1. git pull - to pull the latest updates to main.

  2. git switch dependabot/bundler/omniauth-rails_csrf_protection-1.0.1 - to switch to the dependant branch.

  3. make authenticate-docker to authenticate to our AWS ECR.

  4. make build-dev to locally build the containers.

  5. make test to run rspec tests.

  6. make serve to locally serve the front-end for any additional testing requirements.

  7. Merge dependabot PR and monitor pipeline for errors.

DNS DHCP Admin Repository

  1. export SHARED_SERVICES_ACCOUNT_ID=<shared services account ID>
    This step is required so the following step knows which AWS account to query.
  2. make authenticate-docker to authenticate to our AWS ECR.
    ./scripts/ ./scripts/ Login Succeeded
  3. make build-dev to locally build the containers.
    env ENV=development UID=1000 docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build admin-db uses an image, skipping Building app [+] Building 172.9s (19/19) FINISHED <----- NOTE THE TIME THIS CAN TAKE => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.1s => => transferring dockerfile: 38B 0.0s => [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s => => transferring context: 35B 0.0s => [internal] load metadata for 22.4s => [auth] sharing credentials for 0.0s => [ 1/12] FROM 0.0s ... ... ... => [12/12] RUN if [ true = 'true' ]; then ASSET_PRECOMPILATION_ONLY=true RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails assets:precompile; fi 10.3s ... Use 'docker scan' to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and learn how to fix them
  4. make serve to locally serve the front-end.
    env ENV=development UID=1000 docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down Removing staff-device-dns-dhcp-admin_app_1 ... done Removing staff-device-dns-dhcp-admin_admin-db_1 ... done ... ... ... app_1 | * Max threads: 5 app_1 | * Environment: development app_1 | * PID: 1 app_1 | * Listening on <----- Ctrl/Cmd + Left Click here to open the page in a browser

DHCP Server Repository

It is not required to run the DHCP server as part of the omniauth-rails_csrf_protection upgrade example. The process is listed below however for completeness.

(Output from the below commands is omitted as it is largely the same as above )

  1. export SHARED_SERVICES_ACCOUNT_ID=<shared services account ID>
  2. make authenticate-docker to authenticate to our AWS ECR.
  3. make build-dev to locally build the containers.
  4. make run
  5. make test


If you are in doubt as to the state of your container images make implode.


If Dependabot creates PR for omniauth-rails_csrf_protection gem - for example.
The PR is not merged by the team for a period of time, this can result in numerous PRs that are merged into the main branch before the PR is merged.

As a result the PR has diverged from the main branch, that is to say, the newly merged changes in main are not included in the dependabot PR. To combine the changes previously made to main into the omniauth-rails_csrf_protection PR complete the git steps below.

  1. git pull - to pull the latest updates to main.

  2. git switch dependabot/bundler/omniauth-rails_csrf_protection-1.0.1 - to switch to the dependant branch.

  3. git status - to confirm which branch you are currently on.

  4. git rebase main - this command combines the current dependabot PR branch with the up-to-date main branch. More information here.