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The NVVS Dev Ops team follows a GitOps style workflow. Any changes to the system should be made via a pull request against the appropriate repository.

All changes via Pull Request

All work undertaken by a member of the NVVS Dev Ops team will take place in a branch as per MoJ Technical Guidance. An example of creating a branch to work on is here.

Commit Early, Commit Often

If you’re asking yourself “should I commit now”? then the answer is probably yes! Committing regularly helps with avoiding conflicts. It is especially helpful when you’re pulled away to another task and need a little reminder of where you were.

Main Branch

As GitHubs default practice our main branch is named ‘main’ and not ‘master’. More information here.

Gitmoji 😎

Yes, it made it to our best practices! Gitmoji is a great way to tag commits according to what they’re doing. It’s a great suppliment to your commit messages and can help identify key commits quickly.

Most of all - have fun 🥚 .

This page was last reviewed on 12 April 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 12 July 2024 by the page owner #nvvs-devopss .
This page was set to be reviewed before 12 July 2024 by the page owner #nvvs-devopss. This might mean the content is out of date.