Editor - HTML
All templates follow the Rails standard approach of being stored within this app/views/
- Templates (.html.erb)
Semantic and lean markup
HTML should be written using minimal, semantic markup with functional identifiers and, where possible, without any need for extra markup targeting visual requirement.
e.g. Preference is for the Editor HTML to do this…
<div class="branch">
<div class="branch-condition">
<div class="branch-question">
<div class="branch-answer">
…rather than this kind of thing:
<div class="container-panel govuk-grid-column-two-thirds padding-10">
<div class="bg-blue">
<div class="border-outline-intense margin-10">
<div class="govuk-!-width-one-half">
<div class="govuk-!-width-one-half">
Unfortunately, because there is the need to share space with GDS css, we sometimes have unwanted design/visual-based class names present. These should just be minimised for less intrusion and, should the future need arise, to allow the possibility of white-label site opportunity.
Files are organised using standard Rails approach, with Layouts, templates, and partials.
A typical (app/views/layouts/application.html.erb)
layout breakdown might be:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>MoJ Forms</title>
% csrf_meta_tags %
%= csp_meta_tag %
%= render partial: 'partials/head_tags' %
%= render partial: 'partials/properties' %
%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'application', media: 'all' %
%= javascript_pack_tag 'application' %
<body class="govuk-body %= "#{controller_name}-#{action_name}" %">
%= render partial: 'partials/header' %
<main id="main-content" role="main">
%= yield %
%= render partial: 'partials/footer' %
%= render partial: 'partials/template_dialog' %
%= render partial: 'partials/template_dialog_confirmation' %
%= render partial: 'partials/template_dialog_confirmation_delete' %
Partials are shared snippets of code that can be used across templates and layouts located in app/views/partials
One less obvious partial in the layout example, above, is the partials/properties
. This is a file that is used to pass information from the HTML/template layer to the JavaScript. It essentially just initialises a JavaScript object with lots of properties for later recall.
e.g. app/views/partials/_properties.html.erb
var app = {
api: {
new_conditional: "/api/services/%= params[:id] %>/branches/%= @branch && @branch.flow_uuid %>/conditionals/#{conditional_index}",
get_expression: "/api/services/%= params[:id] %>/components/#{component_id}/conditionals/#{conditionals_index}/expressions/#{expressions_index}"
page: {
id: "%= params[:page_uuid] %",
action: "%= action_name %",
controller: "%= controller_name %",
data_url: "%= yield :page_data_url %"
service: {
id: "%= params[:id] %"
text: {
aria: {
answers: "%= t('aria.answers') %",
hint: "%= t('aria.hint') %",
question: "%= t('aria.question') %",
section_heading: "%= t('aria.section_heading') %"
Properties set in the above partials can be retrieved in JavaScript.
Views are rendered by the Rails standard approach. The above layout example shows the yield
keyword placeholder that will be swapped out by the corresponding view.
e.g. For a BranchesController#edit
action, yield
will be replaced by the view code located in app/views/branches/edit.html.erb
Lastly, the above layout example shows some partials named partials/template_xyz...
. These are snippets of HTML used for JavaScript enhanced widgets/components.
e.g. partials/template_dialog
will inject something like this code into the HTML output:
<script type="text/html"
<div class="component component-dialog" id="dialog">
<h3 data-node="heading" class="govuk-label govuk-label--m">
General heading here
<p data-node="content">
General message here
This is a basic piece of HTML picked up by JavaScript code and turned into a reusable Dialog component.