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Editor’s Delayed Job Failures

It happens the job could not be processed because the corresponding PublishService id wasn’t found.

  1. First identify the environment, as rule of thumb what is in the alert channel is live environment while alerts in the low severity channel affect test environment.

  2. Then connect to each editor worker pods and identify if it is the defected pod by checking if there are any delayed job:


  3. Identify the issue by checking the error:


    If it complains with error such as

    Couldn't find PublishService with 'id'= xxx

  4. We can then look into the PublishService DB with


  5. and check there are no id xxx


  6. If there are no PublishService with the corresponding id, we can then delete the delayed job


This page was last reviewed on 30 January 2023. It needs to be reviewed again on 30 April 2023 .
This page was set to be reviewed before 30 April 2023. This might mean the content is out of date.