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ADR-012 - Autocomplete Editor Data Storage

Date: 2022-05-24


✅ Accepted


Github Repo for fb-editor

The autocomplete component introduces a new concept into the Editor, that form users can upload their own data in the form of a CSV. This means we can have n number of options for n number of autocomplete components in any one form - we do not want to inject this data directly into the existing metadata table as this has the potential to grow exponentially.

We will need to transform the uploaded CSV data into a JSON structure on the application level.


1. Use ElasticSearch

This is a third party search engine. It is built to handle very large data sets and is highly scalable. Although it is a very powerful tool, the learning curve for this tool is quite steep and we will not have enough data to warrant using this tool.

2. Use S3 buckets

Upload the JSON file into a S3 bucket, this will be a bucket specifically for autocomplete options. This would be fine for version one of autocomplete - that is, any changes to the options would mean a new CSV file is uploaded. For V2 autocomplete however, forms may require the ability to upload a single option or delete an option - this would mean calling the bucket, manipulating the file then pushing the file back to the bucket, which is possible but also be cumbersome.

3. Create a new table in the existing database

We currently have a database that holds form metadata. This option involves creating a new table in this database that saves the autocomplete options as a JSON blob, identified through service id and component id. This is very similar to how the existing metadata table works.


Option 3 of create a new table in the existing database.


  • Individual autocomplete options can be removed/added with ease
  • We use an existing pathway to retrieve data


  • Maximum row size within the table will dictate the maximum size of the JSON blob