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MOJ Forms Tech Docs

Who is this documentation for?

These Tech Docs are used and maintained by the MoJ Forms team and provide technical information for maintaining the services.

For more information on the product there is a product website.

MOJ Forms Platform

MOJ Forms is a tool for creating and publishing digital forms using components from the GOV.UK Design System.

alt text

The whole platform can be broken down into smaller parts.

How does MOJ Forms handle security?

High level overview on what is in place to cover security concerns.

Github Repositories

List of the github repositories for the MOJ Forms platform. Most are public, but some of these will be private.


Procedures and operations that the MoJ Forms Tech Team carry out, these can be used for reference also.


Frequently asked questions - if the answer you’re looking for isn’t here, try #ask-formbuilder on slack

How We Work

Documentation on how the technical team works and the process for doing awesome work.

Incident Process

Our process for managing incidents


Architecture Decision Records

To understand why we are recording decisions and how we are doing it, please see ADR-001.

Statuses: 🤔 Proposed ✅ Accepted ❌ Rejected ♻️ Amended ⌛️ Superseded

Architectural principles for MOJ Forms

Legacy Form Builder (decommissioned)

Jumping off point for the Legacy Form Builder Documentation [to be Archived]

The Legacy Form Builder Guide and Runbook [to be Archived]

Updating the Tech Docs

  • Write content tips
  • run local
  • Raise PR
  • Merge

More Information