HMPPS Integration API v1.0
A long-lived API that exposes data from HMPPS systems such as the National Offender Management Information System (NOMIS), nDelius (probation system) and Offender Assessment System (OASys), providing a single point of entry for consumers.
Development server
Pre-production server, containing live data
Returns completed response
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | A HMPPS identifier |
jobid | path | string | true | A job identifier |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully submitted an expression of interest
ResponseUnit |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
403 |
Access is forbidden
ForbiddenResponse |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
dlqName | path | string | true |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
RetryDlqResult |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
queueName | path | string | true |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
PurgeQueueResult |
Make a financial transaction.
Request body
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
prisonId | path | string | true | The ID of the prison that holds the account |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the person |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully created a transaction.
DataResponseTransactionCreateResponse |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
409 |
TransactionConflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Transfer funds between the accounts of a prisoner.
Currently only able to move from spends to savings.
Request body
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
prisonId | path | string | true | The ID of the prison that holds the account |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the person |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully created a transaction transfer.
DataResponseTransactionTransferCreateResponse |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
409 |
TransactionConflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Get visit information for a visit by visit reference.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
visitReference | path | string | true | The visit reference number relating to the visit. |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found visit information for a given visit reference.
DataResponseVisit |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Searches for visits by prisonId and criteria.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
prisonId | path | string | true | The ID of the prison to be queried against |
hmppsId | query | string | false | The HMPPS ID of the person |
fromDate | query | string | false | The start date of the visit |
toDate | query | string | false | The end date of the visit |
visitStatus | query | string | true | The status of the visit. (BOOKING or CANCELLED) |
page | query | string | false | The page number |
size | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully performed the query on upstream APIs. An empty list is returned when no results are found.
PaginatedResponseVisit |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
403 |
ForbiddenResponse |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns details for a transaction by clientUniqueRef.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
prisonId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the person |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The ID of the prison that holds the account |
clientUniqueRef | path | string | true | The clientUniqueRef used when the transaction was created |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a transaction.
DataResponseTransaction |
400 |
The request data has an invalid format or the prisoner does not have transaction associated with the clientUniqueRef.
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns a single prisoners list of non associates.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
includeOpen is true by default, includeClosed is false by default. At least one must be true. The role READNONASSOCIATIONS is required for this endpoint.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the prisoner |
prisonId | path | string | true | The prison ID of the prisoner |
includeOpen | query | boolean | false | |
includeClosed | query | boolean | false |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found prisoners non associates.
DataResponseNonAssociations |
400 |
The HMPPS ID provided has an invalid format.
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns all accounts for a prisoner that they have at a prison.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | |
prisonId | path | string | true |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a prisoner’s accounts.
DataResponseBalances |
400 |
The HMPPS ID provided has an invalid format or the prisoner does hot have accounts at the specified prison.
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns all transactions for a prisoner associated with an account code that they have at a prison.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the person |
prisonId | path | string | true | The ID of the prison that holds the account |
accountCode | path | string | true | The code of the account to be accessed, one of ‘spends’, ‘savings’ or ‘cash’ |
from_date | query | string | false | Start date for transactions (defaults to today if not supplied) |
to_date | query | string | false | To date for transactions (defaults to today if not supplied) |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a prisoner’s transactions.
DataResponseTransactions |
400 |
The request data has an invalid format or the prisoner does hot have transactions at the specified prison.
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns a specific account for a prisoner that they have at a prison, based on the account code provided.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | |
prisonId | path | string | true | |
accountCode | path | string | true |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a prisoner’s account.
DataResponseBalance |
400 |
The HMPPS ID provided has an invalid format, the account code is not one of the allowable accounts or the prisoner does hot have accounts at the specified prison.
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns person(s) by search criteria, sorted by date of birth (newest first). Only queries prisoner search.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
first_name | query | string | false | The first name of the person |
last_name | query | string | false | The last name of the person |
date_of_birth | query | string | false | The date of birth of the person |
search_within_aliases | query | boolean | false | Whether to return results that match the search criteria within the aliases of a person. |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully performed the query on upstream APIs. An empty list is returned when no results are found.
PaginatedResponsePersonInPrison |
400 |
There were no query parameters passed in. At least one must be specified.
BadRequest |
403 |
ForbiddenResponse |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns a single prisoners details given an hmppsId, does not query for a probation person.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the person |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a prisoner with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponsePersonInPrison |
400 |
The HMPPS ID provided has an invalid format.
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns alerts associated with a person, sorted by dateCreated (newest first).
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found alerts for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
PaginatedResponseAlert |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns person(s) by search criteria, sorted by date of birth (newest first). At least one query parameter must be specified.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
first_name | query | string | false | The first name of the person |
last_name | query | string | false | The last name of the person |
pnc_number | query | string | false | A URL-encoded pnc identifier |
date_of_birth | query | string | false | The date of birth of the person |
search_within_aliases | query | boolean | false | Whether to return results that match the search criteria within the aliases of a person. |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully performed the query on upstream APIs. An empty list is returned when no results are found.
PaginatedResponsePerson |
400 |
There were no query parameters passed in. At least one must be specified.
BadRequest |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Gets visitor restrictions.
Returns visitor restrictions for a prisoner
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | A HMPPS identifier |
contactId | path | string | true | A contact ID |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a prisoners vistor restrictions with the provided HMPPS ID and contact ID.
DataResponsePrisonerContactRestrictions |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Get Future Visit Information.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | A HMPPS identifier |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a person’s future visits with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponseListVisit |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Gets restrictions for latest booking.
Returns a list of restrictions for the latest booking
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | A HMPPS identifier |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a person’s visit restrictions with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponseListPersonVisitRestriction |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns visit orders.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the prisoner |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a prisoners visit orders.
DataResponseVisitOrders |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns sentences associated with a person, sorted by dateOfSentencing (newest first).
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the person |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found sentences for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
PaginatedResponseSentence |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns the categories related to an offender.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the person |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found risk categories for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponseRiskCategory |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns adjudications associated with a person, sorted by dateTimeOfIncident (newest first).
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the person |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
PaginatedResponseAdjudication |
404 |
Failed to find adjudications for the person with the provided hmppsId.
PersonNotFound |
400 |
Malformed hmppsId.
BadRequest |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns protected characteristics of a person.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the person |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
DataResponsePersonProtectedCharacteristics |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns the plp review schedule associated with a person.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | A HmppsId |
statuses | query | array | false | Filter by review schedule statuses |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found induction schedule for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponseReviewSchedules |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns plp the current induction schedule associated with a person.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | A HMPPS id |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found induction schedule for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponseInductionSchedule |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns the plp induction schedule history associated with a person.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | A HMPPS id |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found induction schedule history for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponseInductionSchedules |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns a person’s name
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the person |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponsePersonName |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns a prisoners IEP level.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the prisoner |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a prisoners contacts.
DataResponseIEPLevel |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns a prisoners contacts.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the prisoner |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a prisoners contacts.
PaginatedResponsePrisonerContact |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns the cell location of a person.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the person |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a persons cell location.
DataResponseCellLocation |
400 |
The HMPPS ID provided has an invalid format.
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns alerts associated with a person, sorted by dateCreated (newest first).
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the person |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found alerts for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
PaginatedResponseAlert |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns addresses associated with a person, ordered by startDate.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | The HMPPS ID of the person |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponseListAddress |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns a person.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponseOffenderSearchResponse |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns the status information associated with a person.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found status information for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
PaginatedResponseStatusInformation |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns the key dates and adjustments about a person’s release from prison for their latest sentence.
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found latest sentence key dates and adjustments for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponseLatestSentenceKeyDatesAndAdjustments |
400 |
Bad Request
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns Risk of Serious Harm (ROSH) risks associated with a person. Returns only assessments completed in the last year. This endpoint does not serve LAO (Limited Access Offender) data.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found risks for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponseRisks |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns risk scores from the last year associated with a person, sorted by completedDate (newest first). This endpoint does not serve LAO (Limited Access Offender) data.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found risk scores for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
PaginatedResponseRiskPredictorScore |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns the mappa detail related to a person.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found mappa detail for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponseMappaDetail |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns dynamic risks associated with a person.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found dynamic risks for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
PaginatedResponseDynamicRisk |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns a list of Risk Management Plans created for the person with the provided HMPPS ID.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found risk management plans for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
PaginatedResponseRiskManagementPlan |
403 |
ForbiddenResponse |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns the person responsible officer associated with a person.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found the person responsible officer for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponsePersonResponsibleOfficer |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns offences associated with a person, ordered by startDate (newest first). > Note: This API does not contain the complete list of offences for a person. > Offences are retrieved from Prison and Probation systems exclusively. > Prison systems record only custodial sentences, while Probation systems record only the main offence and some additional offences for case management purposes. Other offences recorded by HMCTS and police may not be included.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found offences for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
PaginatedResponse |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns criminogenic needs associated with a person. This endpoint does not serve LAO (Limited Access Offender) data. Note: Criminogenic needs are dynamic factors that are directly linked to criminal behaviour. Eight criminogenic needs are measured in OASys: Accommodation, Employability, Relationships, Lifestyle and Associates, Drug Misuse, Alcohol Misuse, Thinking & Behaviour and Attitudes. These are scored according to whether there is “no need”, “some need” or “severe need”, and a need is identified in a specific section based on calculations around these scores. However, the process by which needs are assessed is changing as early as next year (2024), specifically moving to a strength-based model that seeks to identify and develop the strengths of people with convictions. As a consequence of this, the information provided by this endpoint will also change.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found criminogenic needs for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponseNeeds |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns license conditions associated with a person, sorted by createdDateTime (newest first).
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found licenses for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
DataResponsePersonLicences |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns metadata of images associated with a person sorted by captureDateTime (newest first).
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found a person with the provided HMPPS ID. If a person doesn’t have any images, then an empty list (
PaginatedResponseImageMetadata |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns case notes associated with a person.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
startDate | query | string | false | Filter case notes from this date |
endDate | query | string | false | Filter case notes up to this date |
locationId | query | string | false | Filter by the location. example MDI |
page | query | integer | false | |
perPage | query | integer | false |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found case notes for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
PaginatedResponseCaseNote |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
403 |
ForbiddenResponse |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns alerts associated with a person, sorted by dateCreated (newest first).
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
encodedHmppsId | path | string | true | A URL-encoded HMPPS identifier |
page | query | string | false | The page number (starting from 1) |
perPage | query | string | false | The maximum number of results for a page |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found alerts for a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
PaginatedResponseAlert |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns an image in bytes as a JPEG.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | integer | true |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found an image with the provided ID. |
404 |
Failed to find an image with the provided ID.
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns probation and prison reference data codes descriptions for values returned by the API
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully returned prison and probation reference data.
Response |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Return nomis number for a given HMPPS Id
Accepts a HMPPS Id (hmppsId) and looks up the corresponding nomis number.<br>
<b>Applicable filters</b>: <ul><li>prisons</li></ul>
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
DataResponseNomisNumber |
404 |
Nomis number could not be found.
DataResponseNomisNumber |
400 |
Invalid hmppsId.
DataResponseNomisNumber |
Return a HMPPS id for a given nomis number
Accepts a nomis number and looks up the corresponding HMPPS Id (hmppsId).
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
nomisNumber | path | string | true |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
DataResponseHmppsId |
404 |
Nomis number could not be found.
DataResponseHmppsId |
400 |
Invalid hmppsId.
DataResponseHmppsId |
Return a HMPPS id for a given nomis number
Accepts a nomis number and looks up the corresponding HMPPS Id (hmppsId).
Applicable filters:
- prisons
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
nomisNumber | path | string | true |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
DataResponseHmppsId |
404 |
Nomis number could not be found.
DataResponseHmppsId |
400 |
Invalid hmppsId.
DataResponseHmppsId |
Probation case information for the Effective Proposals Framework service
Accepts an HMPPS Id (hmppsId) and Delius Event number and returns a data structure giving background information on the probation case for use in the Effective Proposals Framework system. The information is used to reduce the need for the EPF user to re-key information already held in Delius.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
hmppsId | path | string | true | |
eventNumber | path | integer | true |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
ResponseCaseDetail |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Returns a contact by ID.
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
contactId | path | string | true |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
Successfully found contact by contact ID.
ResponseDetailedContact |
400 |
The contact is in invalid format.
BadRequest |
404 |
Not Found
PersonNotFound |
500 |
Internal Server Error
InternalServerError |
Parameter | In | Type | Required | Description |
dlqName | path | string | true | |
maxMessages | query | integer | false |
Status | Description | Schema |
200 |
GetDlqResult |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | Unit | |
errors | array | true | UpstreamApiError |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
causedBy | string | true | ||
type | string | true | ||
description | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
messagesFoundCount | integer | true |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
messagesFoundCount | integer | true |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
type | string | true | Transaction type. Determines which accounts will be debited and credited. |
description | string | false | Description of the transaction. |
amount | integer | true | Amount of money in pence, must be positive. Whether the transaction is a credit or debit is determined by the type. |
clientTransactionId | string | true | Client Transaction ID. |
clientUniqueRef | string | true | A reference unique to the client making the post. Maximum size 64 characters, only alphabetic, numeric, ‘-’ and ‘_’ are allowed. |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | TransactionCreateResponse |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
transactionId | string | true |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
description | string | true | Description of the transaction. |
amount | integer | true | Amount of money in pence, must be positive. |
clientTransactionId | string | true | Client Transaction Id. |
clientUniqueRef | string | true | A reference unique to the client making the post. Maximum size 64 characters, only alphabetic, numeric, ‘-’ and ‘_’ are allowed. |
fromAccount | string | true | The account to move money from. Must be ‘spends’. |
toAccount | string | true | The account to move money to. Must be ‘savings’. |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | TransactionTransferCreateResponse |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
debitTransactionId | string | true | Transaction id for the debit portion of the transaction. |
creditTransactionId | string | true | Transaction id for the credit portion of the transaction. |
transactionId | string | true | Transaction id for the whole transaction. |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | Visit |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
applicationReference | string | false | Application Reference |
reference | string | false | Visit Reference |
prisonerId | string | true | Prisoner Id |
prisonId | string | true | Prison Id |
prisonName | string | true | Prison Name |
sessionTemplateReference | string | false | Session Template Reference |
visitRoom | string | true | Location of Visit |
visitType | string | true | Type of Visit |
visitStatus | string | true | Visit Status |
outcomeStatus | string | false | Outcome Status of Visit |
visitRestriction | string | true | Visit Restriction |
startTimestamp | string | true | The date and time of the visit |
endTimestamp | string | true | The finishing date and time of the visit |
visitNotes | array | true | Visit Notes |
VisitNotes |
visitContact | object | true | Contact associated with the visit |
VisitContact |
visitors | array | true | List of visitors associated with the visit |
Visitors |
visitorSupport | object | true | Additional support associated with the visit |
VisitorSupport |
createdTimestamp | string | true | The visit created date and time |
modifiedTimestamp | string | true | The visit modified date and time |
firstBookedDateTime | string | true | Date the visit was first booked or migrated |
Contact associated with the visit
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
name | string | true | Contact name |
telephone | string | true | Contact Phone Number |
string | true | Contact Email Address |
Visit Notes
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
type | string | true | Note type |
text | string | true | Note Text |
Additional support associated with the visit
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
description | string | true | Support text description |
List of visitors associated with the visit
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
contactId | integer | true | Person ID (nomis) of the visitor |
visitContact | boolean | false | true if visitor is the contact for the visit otherwise false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | Visit | |
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
isLastPage | boolean | true | Is the current page the last one? |
count | integer | true | The number of results in |
page | integer | true | The current page number |
perPage | integer | true | The maximum number of results in |
totalCount | integer | true | The total number of results in |
totalPages | integer | true | The total number of pages |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | Transaction |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
id | string | true | ||
type | object | true | Type | |
description | string | true | ||
amount | integer | true | ||
date | string | true |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
code | string | true | ||
desc | string | true |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | NonAssociations |
List of non-associations
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
id | integer | true | The ID of the non association |
role | string | true | The prisoner’s role code in the non-association |
roleDescription | string | true | The description of the prisoner’s role in the non-association |
reason | string | true | The reason code why these prisoners should be kept apart |
reasonDescription | string | true | The reason description why these prisoners should be kept apart |
restrictionType | string | true | Location-based restriction code |
restrictionTypeDescription | string | true | Location-based restriction description |
comment | string | true | Explanation of why prisoners are non-associated |
authorisedBy | string | true | User ID of the person who created the non-association. |
whenCreated | string | true | When the non-association was created |
whenUpdated | string | true | When the non-association was last updated |
updatedBy | string | true | User ID of the person who last updated the non-association |
isClosed | boolean | true | Whether the non-association is closed or is in effect |
closedBy | string | false | User ID of the person who closed the non-association. Only present when the non-association is closed, null for open non-associations |
closedReason | string | false | Reason why the non-association was closed. Only present when the non-association is closed, null for open non-associations |
closedAt | string | false | Date and time of when the non-association was closed. Only present when the non-association is closed, null for open non-associations |
otherPrisonerDetails | object | true | Details about the other person in the non-association. |
NonAssociationPrisonerDetails |
isOpen | boolean | true | Whether the non-association is open or closed |
Details about the other person in the non-association.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
prisonerNumber | string | true | Prisoner number |
role | string | true | Other prisoner’s role code in the non-association |
roleDescription | string | true | Other prisoner’s role description in the non-association |
firstName | string | true | First name |
lastName | string | true | Last name |
prisonId | string | true | ID of the prison |
prisonName | string | true | Name of the prison |
cellLocation | string | true | Cell the prisoner is assigned to |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
nonAssociations | array | true | List of non-associations |
NonAssociation |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
accountCode | string | true | ||
amount | integer | true |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
balances | array | true | AccountBalance |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | Balances |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | Transactions |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
transactions | array | true | Transaction |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
balance | object | true | AccountBalance |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | Balance |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
firstName | string | true | first name |
lastName | string | true | last name |
middleName | string | false | last name |
dateOfBirth | string | false | date of birth |
gender | string | false | gender |
ethnicity | string | false | ethnicity |
Other unique identifiers for a person.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
nomisNumber | string | false | A prisoner identifier from NOMIS. |
croNumber | string | false | A Criminal Records Office identifier from National Identification Service (NIS) or National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS). |
deliusCrn | string | false | A Case Reference Number from Delius. |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | PersonInPrison | |
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
firstName | string | true | First name |
lastName | string | true | Last name |
middleName | string | false | Middle name |
dateOfBirth | string | false | Date of birth |
gender | string | false | Gender |
ethnicity | string | false | Ethnicity |
aliases | array | true | Alias | |
identifiers | object | true | Other unique identifiers for a person. |
Identifiers |
pncId | string | false | An identifier from the Police National Computer (PNC) |
category | string | false | Category |
csra | string | false | Cell sharing risk assessment |
receptionDate | string | false | Date prisoner was received into the prison |
status | string | false | Status of the prisoner |
prisonId | string | false | Prison ID |
prisonName | string | false | Name of the prison |
cellLocation | string | false | In prison cell location |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | PersonInPrison |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
offenderNo | string | false | Offender unique reference |
type | string | false | Alert type |
typeDescription | string | false | Alert type description |
code | string | false | Alert code |
codeDescription | string | false | Alert code description |
comment | string | false | Alert comment |
dateCreated | string | false | Date of the alert, which might differ from the date it was created |
dateExpired | string | false | Date that the alert expires |
expired | boolean | false | Whether the alert has expired |
active | boolean | false | Whether the alert is active |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | Alert | |
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
phoneNumbers | array | false | PhoneNumber | |
emails | array | false | A list of email addresses |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | Person | |
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
firstName | string | true | First name |
lastName | string | true | Last name |
middleName | string | false | Middle name |
dateOfBirth | string | false | Date of birth |
gender | string | false | Gender |
ethnicity | string | false | Ethnicity |
aliases | array | true | Alias | |
identifiers | object | true | Other unique identifiers for a person. |
Identifiers |
pncId | string | false | An identifier from the Police National Computer (PNC) |
hmppsId | string | false | HMPPS identifier |
contactDetails | object | false | ContactDetailsWithEmailAndPhone | |
currentRestriction | boolean | false | ||
restrictionMessage | string | false | ||
currentExclusion | boolean | false | ||
exclusionMessage | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
number | string | false | A phone number |
type | string | false | The type of number |
Global (estate-wide) restrictions for the contact
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
restrictionType | string | true | The restriction code |
restrictionTypeDescription | string | true | The description of the restriction type |
startDate | string | true | Restriction created date |
expiryDate | string | true | Restriction expiry date |
comments | string | true | Comments for the restriction |
enteredByUsername | string | true | The username of either the person who created the restriction or the last person to update it if it has been modified |
enteredByDisplayName | string | true | The display name of either the person who created the restriction or the last person to update it if it has been modified |
createdBy | string | true | User who created the entry |
createdTime | string | true | Timestamp when the entry was created |
updatedBy | string | true | User who updated the entry |
updatedTime | string | true | Timestamp when the entry was updated |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | PrisonerContactRestrictions |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
prisonerContactRestrictions | array | true | Relationship specific restrictions |
ContactRestriction |
contactGlobalRestrictions | array | true | Global (estate-wide) restrictions for the contact |
ContactRestriction |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | Visit |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | PersonVisitRestriction |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
restrictionId | integer | true | Restriction ID |
comment | string | true | Restriction comment text |
restrictionType | string | true | Code of restriction type |
restrictionTypeDescription | string | true | Description of restriction type |
startDate | string | true | Date from which the restrictions applies |
expiryDate | string | false | Date restriction applies to, or indefinitely if null |
active | boolean | true | True if restriction is within the start date and optional expiry date range |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | VisitOrders |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
remainingVisitOrders | integer | true | The prisoners remaining visit orders |
remainingPrivilegeVisitOrders | integer | true | The prisoners remaining privilege visit orders |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | Sentence | |
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
serviceSource | string | true |
systemSource | string | true |
dateOfSentencing | string | false | Date of sentencing |
description | string | false | Description of the sentence |
isActive | boolean | false | Whether the sentence is active |
isCustodial | boolean | true | Whether the sentence is custodial |
fineAmount | number | false | The amount of fine related to the sentence and offence |
length | object | true | SentenceLength |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
duration | integer | false | Duration of the sentence |
units | string | false |
terms | array | true | SentenceTerm |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
years | integer | false | Number of years in the term |
months | integer | false | Number of months in the term |
weeks | integer | false | Number of weeks in the term |
days | integer | false | Number of days in the term |
hours | integer | false | Number of hours in the term |
prisonTermCode | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | RiskCategory |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
classificationCode | string | false | The classification code of the risk |
classification | string | false | The classification of the code |
assessmentCode | string | false | The assessment code |
assessmentDescription | string | false | The description of the assessment |
assessmentDate | string | false | The date of the assessment |
nextReviewDate | string | false | Next review date |
assessmentAgencyId | string | false | Agency ID of the assessment |
assessmentStatus | string | false | The status of the assessment |
assessmentComment | string | false | Comments regarding the assessment |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
offenderNo | string | false | ||
assessments | array | true | RiskAssessment | |
category | string | false | ||
categoryCode | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
incidentDetails | object | false | IncidentDetailsDto | |
isYouthOffender | boolean | false | ||
incidentRole | object | false | IncidentRoleDto | |
offenceDetails | object | false | OffenceDto | |
status | string | false | ||
statusReason | string | false | ||
statusDetails | string | false | ||
hearings | array | false | HearingDto | |
outcomes | array | false | OutcomeHistoryDto | |
punishments | array | false | PunishmentDto | |
punishmentComments | array | false | PunishmentCommentDto |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
outcome | object | false | OutcomeDto | |
referralOutcome | object | false | OutcomeDto |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
dateTimeOfHearing | string | false | ||
oicHearingType | string | false | ||
outcome | object | false | HearingOutcomeDto |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
code | string | false | ||
reason | string | false | ||
details | string | false | ||
plea | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
dateTimeOfIncident | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
roleCode | string | false | ||
offenceRule | object | false | OffenceRuleDetailsDto |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
offenceCode | number | false | ||
offenceRule | object | false | OffenceRuleDto |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
paragraphNumber | string | false | ||
paragraphDescription | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
paragraphNumber | string | false | ||
paragraphDescription | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
code | string | false | ||
details | string | false | ||
reason | string | false | ||
quashedReason | string | false | ||
canRemove | boolean | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
hearing | object | false | HearingDto | |
outcome | object | false | CombinedOutcomeDto |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | Adjudication | |
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
comment | string | false | ||
reasonForChange | string | false | ||
dateTime | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
type | string | false | ||
privilegeType | string | false | ||
otherPrivilege | string | false | ||
schedule | object | false | PunishmentScheduleDto |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
days | number | false | ||
startDate | string | false | ||
endDate | string | false | ||
suspendedUntil | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | PersonProtectedCharacteristics |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
disabilityType | object | false | KeyValue | |
condition | object | false | KeyValue | |
startDate | string | false | ||
endDate | string | false | ||
notes | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
code | string | false | ||
description | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
age | number | true | Age of the person |
gender | string | false | Gender of the person |
sexualOrientation | string | false | Sexual orientation of the person |
ethnicity | string | false | Ethnicity of the person |
nationality | string | false | Nationality of the person |
religion | string | false | Religion of the person |
disabilities | array | true | Disability | |
maritalStatus | string | false | Marital status of the person |
reasonableAdjustments | array | true | ReasonableAdjustment |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
treatmentCode | string | false | Treatment code |
commentText | string | false | Comment text |
startDate | string | false | Start date |
endDate | string | false | End date |
treatmentDescription | string | false | Treatment description |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | ReviewSchedules |
A list of review schedules for this prisoner.
Note that this will return multiple versions of the the same schedule.
This is because down stream clients need to know the previous states of the review schedules.
grouping by reference and then ordering by highest version number will present the review schedules with the most up to date data.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
nomisNumber | string | false | The Nomis number of the person. |
reference | string | true | The UUID reference for the review schedule record. |
reviewDateFrom | string | true | The earliest date that the review should be carried out. |
reviewDateTo | string | true | The latest date that the review should be carried out. |
status | string | true |
calculationRule | string | true |
createdBy | string | true | ||
createdByDisplayName | string | true | ||
createdAt | string | true | ||
createdAtPrison | string | true | ||
updatedBy | string | true | ||
updatedByDisplayName | string | true | ||
updatedAt | string | true | ||
updatedAtPrison | string | true | ||
version | integer | true |
reviewCompletedBy | string | false | When the review schedule has a completed review this will be populated by the name of the person who did the review. |
reviewCompletedByRole | string | false | When the review schedule has a completed review this will be populated by the role of the person who did the review. |
reviewCompletedAt | string | false | When the review schedule has a completed review this will be populated with the date that the CIAG entered into the system when completing the Review. It is the date that the user did the Review in person, rather than the date that it was entered into the system.. |
reviewType | string | false |
reviewReason | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
reviewSchedules | array | true |
ReviewSchedule |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | InductionSchedule |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
deadlineDate | string | false | An ISO-8601 date representing when the Induction should be completed by. |
status | string | false |
calculationRule | string | false |
nomisNumber | string | false | The Nomis number of the person. |
systemCreatedBy | string | false | The name of the person who used the PLP system to create the Induction Schedule, or ‘system’ for system generated updates. |
systemCreatedAt | string | false | An ISO-8601 timestamp representing the time the PLP system was used to create the Induction Schedule. |
systemCreatedAtPrison | string | false | The code of the prison where the induction was Created |
systemUpdatedBy | string | false |
systemUpdatedAt | string | false | An ISO-8601 timestamp representing the time the PLP system was used to update the Induction Schedule. |
systemUpdatedAtPrison | string | false | The code of the prison where the induction was updated |
inductionPerformedBy | string | false |
inductionPerformedAt | string | false |
inductionPerformedByRole | string | false |
inductionPerformedAtPrison | string | false | The prison code that the induction was performed at. |
exemptionReason | string | false | If reason the induction schedule was exempted. |
version | integer | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | InductionSchedules |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
inductionSchedules | array | true |
InductionSchedule |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | PersonName |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
firstName | string | false | ||
lastName | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | IEPLevel |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
iepCode | string | true | Incentive Level Code |
iepLevel | string | true | Incentive Level |
The details of a contact as an individual
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
contactId | integer | true | The ID of the contact |
lastName | string | true | The last name of the contact |
firstName | string | true | The first name of the contact |
middleNames | string | false | The middle names of the contact, if any |
dateOfBirth | string | true | The date of birth of the contact, if known |
flat | string | false | Flat number or name |
property | string | false | Building or house number or name |
street | string | false | Street or road name |
area | string | false | Area |
cityCode | string | false | City code |
cityDescription | string | false | The description of the city code |
countyCode | string | false | County code |
countyDescription | string | false | The description of county code |
postCode | string | false | Postcode |
countryCode | string | false | Country code |
countryDescription | string | false | The description of country code |
primaryAddress | boolean | false | True if this is the primary address otherwise false |
mailAddress | boolean | false | If true this address should be considered for sending mail to |
phoneType | string | true | Type of phone |
phoneTypeDescription | string | true | Description of the type of phone |
phoneNumber | string | true | Phone number |
extNumber | string | false | Extension number |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | PrisonerContact | |
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
contact | object | true | The details of a contact as an individual |
Contact |
relationship | object | true | The details of the relationship between the prisoner and this contact |
PrisonerContactRelationship |
The details of the relationship between the prisoner and this contact
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
relationshipTypeCode | string | false | Coded value indicating either a social or official contact. This is a coded value from the group code CONTACT_TYPE in reference data |
relationshipTypeDescription | string | false | The description of the relationship type |
relationshipToPrisonerCode | string | false | The relationship to the prisoner. A code from SOCIALRELATIONSHIP or OFFICIALRELATIONSHIP reference data groups depending on the relationship type |
relationshipToPrisonerDescription | string | false | The description of the relationship to the prisoner |
approvedVisitor | boolean | false | Indicates whether the contact is an approved visitor |
nextOfKin | boolean | false | Is this contact the prisoner’s next of kin? |
emergencyContact | boolean | false | Is this contact the prisoner’s emergency contact? |
isRelationshipActive | boolean | false | Is this contact the prisoner’s next of kin? |
currentTerm | boolean | false | Is this relationship active for the current booking? |
comments | string | false | Any additional comments |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
prisonCode | string | false | ||
prisonName | string | false | ||
cell | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | CellLocation |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
country | string | false | ||
county | string | false | ||
endDate | string | false | ||
locality | string | false | ||
name | string | false | ||
noFixedAddress | boolean | true | Indicates whether the person has a permanent place of residence |
number | string | false | ||
postcode | string | false | ||
startDate | string | false | ||
street | string | false | ||
town | string | false | ||
types | array | true | Type | |
notes | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | Address |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | OffenderSearchResponse |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
prisonerOffenderSearch | object | false | Person | |
probationOffenderSearch | object | false | PersonOnProbation |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
person | object | false | Person | |
underActiveSupervision | boolean | true | ||
firstName | string | true | ||
lastName | string | true | ||
middleName | string | false | ||
dateOfBirth | string | false | ||
gender | string | false | ||
ethnicity | string | false | ||
aliases | array | true | Alias | |
identifiers | object | true | Other unique identifiers for a person. |
Identifiers |
pncId | string | false | ||
hmppsId | string | false | ||
contactDetails | object | false | ContactDetailsWithEmailAndPhone | |
currentRestriction | boolean | false | ||
restrictionMessage | string | false | ||
currentExclusion | boolean | false | ||
exclusionMessage | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | StatusInformation | |
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
code | string | false | ||
description | string | false | ||
startDate | string | false | ||
reviewDate | string | false | ||
notes | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | LatestSentenceKeyDatesAndAdjustments |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
actualDate | string | false | ||
eligibilityCalculatedDate | string | false | ||
eligibilityDate | string | false | ||
eligibilityOverrideDate | string | false | ||
endDate | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
adjustments | object | false | SentenceAdjustment | |
automaticRelease | object | false | SentenceKeyDate | |
conditionalRelease | object | false | SentenceKeyDate | |
dtoPostRecallRelease | object | false | SentenceKeyDate | |
earlyTerm | object | false | SentenceKeyDateWithCalculatedDate | |
homeDetentionCurfew | object | false | HomeDetentionCurfewDate | |
lateTerm | object | false | SentenceKeyDateWithCalculatedDate | |
licenceExpiry | object | false | SentenceKeyDateWithCalculatedDate | |
midTerm | object | false | SentenceKeyDateWithCalculatedDate | |
nonDto | object | false | NonDtoDate | |
nonParole | object | false | SentenceKeyDate | |
paroleEligibility | object | false | SentenceKeyDateWithCalculatedDate | |
postRecallRelease | object | false | SentenceKeyDate | |
release | object | false | ReleaseDate | |
sentence | object | false | SentenceDate | |
topupSupervision | object | false | TopupSupervision | |
actualParoleDate | string | false | the offender’s actual parole date |
earlyRemovalSchemeEligibilityDate | string | false | the date on which offender will be eligible for early removal (under the Early Removal Scheme for foreign nationals). |
releaseOnTemporaryLicenceDate | string | false | the date on which offender will be released on temporary licence. |
tariffDate | string | false | date on which minimum term is reached for parole (indeterminate/life sentences). |
tariffEarlyRemovalSchemeEligibilityDate | string | false | tariffEarlyRemovalSchemeEligibilityDate. |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
date | string | false | Release date for non-DTO sentence (if applicable). This will be based on one of ARD, CRD, NPD or PRRD. NonDto stands for Non-Detention training order. |
releaseDateType | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
date | string | false |
confirmedDate | string | false | Confirmed release date for offender. |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
additionalDaysAwarded | number | false | Number of additional days awarded |
unlawfullyAtLarge | number | false | Number unlawfully at large days |
lawfullyAtLarge | number | false | Number of lawfully at large days |
restoredAdditionalDaysAwarded | number | false | Number of restored additional days awarded |
specialRemission | number | false | Number of special remission days |
recallSentenceRemand | number | false | Number of recall sentence remand days |
recallSentenceTaggedBail | number | false | Number of recall sentence tagged bail days |
remand | number | false | Number of remand days |
taggedBail | number | false | Number of tagged bail days |
unusedRemand | number | false | Number of unused remand days |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
effectiveEndDate | string | false | Effective sentence end date. |
expiryCalculatedDate | string | false | date on which sentence expired (as calculated by NOMIS). |
expiryDate | string | false | date on which sentence expires. |
expiryOverrideDate | string | false | date on which sentence expires (override). |
startDate | string | false | Sentence start date. |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
date | string | false | release date for offender |
overrideDate | string | false | release override date for offender |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
date | string | false | release date for offender |
overrideDate | string | false | release override date for offender |
calculatedDate | string | false | release calculated date for offender |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
expiryCalculatedDate | string | false | (calculated) - top-up supervision expiry date for offender. |
expiryDate | string | false | top-up supervision expiry date for offender. |
expiryOverrideDate | string | false | (override) - top-up supervision expiry date for offender. |
startDate | string | false | Top-up supervision start date for offender - calculated as licence end date + 1 day or releaseDate if licence end date not set. |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | Risks |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
escapeOrAbscond | string | false |
controlIssuesDisruptiveBehaviour | string | false |
breachOfTrust | string | false |
riskToOtherPrisoners | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
risk | string | false |
previous | string | false |
previousConcernsText | string | false | Supporting comments for any previous concerns. |
current | string | false |
currentConcernsText | string | false | Supporting comments for any current concerns. |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
whoIsAtRisk | string | false | Who is at risk |
natureOfRisk | string | false | What is the nature of the risk |
riskImminence | string | false | When is the risk likely to be greatest. Consider the timescale and indicate whether risk is immediate or not. Consider the risks in custody as well as on release. |
riskIncreaseFactors | string | false | What circumstances are likely to increase risk. Describe factors, actions, events which might increase level of risk, now and in the future. |
riskMitigationFactors | string | false | What factors are likely to reduce the risk. Describe factors, actions, and events which may reduce or contain the level of risk. What has previously stopped them? |
overallRiskLevel | string | false | The overall risk level |
riskInCommunity | object | false | Assess the risk of serious harm the offender poses on the basis that they could be released imminently back into the community. This field is a map which can return all or some of the properties given. |
riskInCustody | object | false | Assess both the risk of serious harm the offender presents now, in custody, and the risk they could present to others whilst in a custodial setting. This field is a map which can return all or some of the properties given. |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
suicide | object | true | Risk | |
selfHarm | object | true | Risk | |
custody | object | true | Risk | |
hostelSetting | object | true | Risk | |
vulnerability | object | true | Risk |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
assessedOn | string | false | Date of risk assessment |
riskToSelf | object | true | RiskToSelf | |
otherRisks | object | true | OtherRisks | |
summary | object | true | RiskSummary |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
scoreLevel | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
scoreLevel | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | RiskPredictorScore | |
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
scoreLevel | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
completedDate | string | false | Risk scores calculation completion date |
assessmentStatus | string | false |
generalPredictor | object | true | GeneralPredictor | |
violencePredictor | object | true | ViolencePredictor | |
groupReconviction | object | true | GroupReconviction | |
riskOfSeriousRecidivism | object | true | RiskOfSeriousRecidivism | |
sexualPredictor | object | true | SexualPredictor |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
indecentScoreLevel | string | false |
contactScoreLevel | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
scoreLevel | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | MappaDetail |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
level | number | false | ||
levelDescription | string | false | ||
category | number | false | ||
categoryDescription | string | false | ||
startDate | string | false | ||
reviewDate | string | false | ||
notes | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
code | string | false | ||
description | string | false | ||
startDate | string | false | ||
reviewDate | string | false | ||
notes | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | DynamicRisk | |
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | RiskManagementPlan | |
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
assessmentId | string | true | The unique ID of the risk management plan |
dateCompleted | string | true | The date that the risk management plan was completed |
initiationDate | string | true | The date of plan initiation |
assessmentStatus | string | true | The status of the plan |
assessmentType | string | true | The type of assessment |
keyInformationCurrentSituation | string | true | Key information about the current situation of the subject being assessed |
furtherConsiderationsCurrentSituation | string | true | Further considerations about the situation of the subject being assessed |
supervision | string | true | Who they see, when and why, any support they get from their community, and how well they’re desisting from problematic behaviour |
monitoringAndControl | string | true | Information on restrictions in place to prevent reoffending, what steps have been taken to monitor potential reoffending, including license conditions, community order requirements, PPM restrictions and such. |
interventionsAndTreatment | string | true | Interventions delivered to develop controls and protective factors to reduce risk of reoffending, including practical support, requirements to support interventions and details of who and where these interventions will be administered. |
victimSafetyPlanning | string | true | Restrictions in place to specifically protect victims of, adults known to, and children potentially at risk from the offender. |
contingencyPlans | string | true | Future plans in the form “If X happens, we will do Y….” for if parts of the risk management plan break down or requirements or restrictions are breached by the offender. |
latestSignLockDate | string | true | An assessment is considered ‘Signed and locked’ once it is signed by the assessor, making the plan read-only. This is the date the plan has been signed by the assessor. |
latestCompleteDate | string | true | Once a countersignature has been applied to the plan, the plan is considered complete. This is the date the plan has been countersigned. |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
name | object | true | PersonResponsibleOfficerName | |
string | false | |||
telephoneNumber | string | false | ||
team | object | true | PersonResponsibleOfficerTeam |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | PersonResponsibleOfficer |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
prisonOffenderManager | object | true | PrisonOffenderManager | |
communityOffenderManager | object | true | CommunityOffenderManager |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
forename | string | false | ||
surname | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
code | string | false | ||
description | string | false | ||
string | false | |||
telephoneNumber | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
code | string | false | The prison code, which is usually short for the prison name. |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
forename | string | false | ||
surname | string | false | ||
prison | object | true | Prison |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | ||
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | Needs |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
type | string | false | The type of need |
riskOfHarm | boolean | false | Risk of harm |
riskOfReoffending | boolean | false | Risk of reoffending |
severity | string | false | Severity of need |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
assessedOn | string | false | Needs assessment completion date |
identifiedNeeds | array | true | Need | |
notIdentifiedNeeds | array | true | Need | |
unansweredNeeds | array | true | Need |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | PersonLicences |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
status | string | false | ||
typeCode | string | false | ||
createdDate | string | false | ||
approvedDate | string | false | ||
updatedDate | string | false | ||
conditions | array | true | LicenceCondition |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
type | string | false | ||
code | string | false | ||
category | string | false | ||
condition | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
hmppsId | string | true | ||
offenderNumber | string | false | ||
licences | array | true | Licence |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
id | integer | true | The Image ID, in reference to a unique identifier. |
active | boolean | true | A flag to indicate whether an image is in active use. It is no guarantee that the latest uploaded image will be the active one. |
captureDateTime | string | true | The Date and Time of when the image was captured. |
view | string | true |
orientation | string | true |
type | string | true |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | ImageMetadata | |
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
caseNoteId | string | false | ||
offenderIdentifier | string | false | ||
type | string | false | ||
typeDescription | string | false | ||
subType | string | false | ||
subTypeDescription | string | false | ||
creationDateTime | string | false | Date and Time of Case Note creation |
occurrenceDateTime | string | false | Date and Time of when case note contact with offender was made |
text | string | false | ||
locationId | string | false | ||
sensitive | boolean | true | ||
amendments | array | true | List of amendments to the case note |
CaseNoteAmendment |
List of amendments to the case note
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
caseNoteAmendmentId | integer | false | ||
creationDateTime | string | false | Date and Time of Case Note creation |
additionalNoteText | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | array | true | CaseNote | |
pagination | object | true | Pagination |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | ||
errors | array | true | UpstreamApiError |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | NomisNumber |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
nomisNumber | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | HmppsId |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
hmppsId | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
nomsId | string | false | ||
name | object | false | Name | |
dateOfBirth | string | false | ||
gender | string | false | ||
courtAppearance | object | false | CourtAppearance | |
sentence | object | false | CaseSentence | |
responsibleProvider | object | false | ResponsibleProvider | |
ogrsScore | integer | false | ||
rsrScore | number | false | ||
age | integer | false | ||
ageAtRelease | integer | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
date | string | false | ||
sentencingCourt | object | false | SentencingCourt | |
releaseDate | string | false | ||
expectedReleaseDate | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
date | string | false | ||
court | object | false | CourtDetails |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
name | string | false | The name of the court |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
forename | string | false | ||
middleName | string | false | ||
surname | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | CaseDetail | |
errors | array | true | UpstreamApiError |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
code | string | false | ||
name | string | false |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
name | string | false |
All addresses for the contact
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
addressType | string | false | The type of the address |
addressTypeDescription | string | false | The description of the address type |
primaryAddress | boolean | true | True if this is the primary address otherwise false |
flat | string | false | Flat number or name |
property | string | false | Building or house number or name |
street | string | false | Street or road name |
area | string | false | Area |
cityCode | string | false | City code |
cityDescription | string | false | The description of the city code |
countyCode | string | false | County code |
countyDescription | string | false | The description of county code |
postcode | string | false | Postcode |
countryCode | string | false | Country code |
countryDescription | string | false | The description of country code |
verified | boolean | true | Whether the address has been verified by postcode lookup |
verifiedBy | string | false | Which username ran the postcode lookup check |
verifiedTime | string | false | The timestamp of when the postcode lookup was done |
mailFlag | boolean | true | Flag to indicate whether mail is allowed to be sent to this address |
startDate | string | false | The start date when this address is to be considered active from |
endDate | string | false | The end date when this address is to be considered active from |
noFixedAddress | boolean | true | Flag to indicate whether this address indicates no fixed address |
comments | string | false | Any additional information or comments about the address |
phoneNumbers | array | true | Phone numbers that are related to this address |
ContactPhoneNumber |
createdBy | string | true | The id of the user who created the contact |
createdTime | string | true | The timestamp of when the contact was created |
updatedBy | string | false | The id of the user who created the contact address |
updatedTime | string | false | The timestamp of when the contact address was last updated |
All email addresses for the contact
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
emailAddress | string | true | Email address |
All phone numbers for the contact
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
phoneType | string | true | Type of phone |
phoneTypeDescription | string | true | Description of the type of phone |
phoneNumber | string | true | Phone number |
extNumber | string | false | Extension number |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
contactId | integer | true | The ID of the contact |
titleCode | string | false | The title code for the contact |
titleDescription | string | false | The description of the title code, if present |
lastName | string | true | The last name of the contact |
firstName | string | true | The first name of the contact |
middleNames | string | false | The middle names of the contact, if any |
dateOfBirth | string | false | The date of birth of the contact, if known |
isStaff | boolean | true | Whether the contact is a staff member |
deceasedDate | string | false | The date the contact deceased, if known |
languageCode | string | false | The NOMIS code for the contacts language |
languageDescription | string | false | The description of the language code |
interpreterRequired | boolean | true | Whether an interpreter is required for this contact |
addresses | array | true | All addresses for the contact |
ContactAddress |
phoneNumbers | array | true | All phone numbers for the contact |
ContactPhoneNumber |
emailAddresses | array | true | All email addresses for the contact |
ContactEmailAddress |
genderCode | string | true | The NOMIS code for the contacts gender. See reference data with group code ‘GENDER’ |
genderDescription | string | true | The description of gender code. See reference data with group code ‘GENDER’ |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
data | object | true | DetailedContact | |
errors | array | true | UpstreamApiError |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
messagesFoundCount | integer | true | ||
messagesReturnedCount | integer | true | ||
messages | array | true | DlqMessage |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
status | number | false | ||
userMessage | string | false | ||
developerMessage | string | false |
Failed to find a person with the provided HMPPS ID.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
status | number | false | ||
userMessage | string | false | ||
developerMessage | string | false |
An upstream service was not responding, so we cannot verify the accuracy of any data we did get.
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
status | number | false | ||
userMessage | string | false | ||
developerMessage | string | false |
Duplicate post - The clientuniqueref has been used before
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
status | number | false | ||
userMessage | string | false | ||
developerMessage | string | false |
Forbidden to complete action by upstream service
Name | Type | Required | Description | Schema |
status | number | false | ||
userMessage | string | false | ||
developerMessage | string | false |
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