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HMPPS Integration API is a RESTFul API that provides a single point of entry for organisations to access data about a person within the prison and probation services of Ministry of Justice (MOJ) such as the National Offender Management Information System (NOMIS). It uses a HMPPS ID for a person.

Additionally the API is supported by an events based system which triggers SNS notifications by processing upstream MoJ domain events which are related to the information served by the API. This allows the clients of our API to be notified when a change occurs to a domain that is of interest to them.


The C4 model is used for visualising the technical architecture of the service.

Context diagram

The context diagram provides a high-level overview of the current systems that make up HMPPS Integration API as well as those that are yet to be implemented.

Context diagram

Container diagram

The API container diagram provides a more in-depth view of the different upstreams APIs that are used to retrieve data from the HMPPS systems such as the Prison API for NOMIS.

Container diagram

This page was last reviewed on 3 September 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 3 December 2024 by the page owner #hmpps-integration-api-alerts .
This page was set to be reviewed before 3 December 2024 by the page owner #hmpps-integration-api-alerts. This might mean the content is out of date.