
Terraform Static Analysis Action

This action combines TFSEC, Checkov and tflint into one action, loosely based on the TFSEC action and Checkov actions here.

The main reason for combining these checks is to enable one action to run which can cover multiple checks as well as multiple and nested Terraform folders. This action also has logic to perform different scan options depending if you want to scan your whole repo or only individual or changed folders:

Full scan (full) - scan all folders with *.tf files in a repository.

Changes only (changed) - scan only folders with *.tf files that have had changes since the last commit.

Single folder (single) - standard scan of a given folder.

See the action.yml for other input options. Global excludes for checks can be added at the action level, or inline exclude comments can be added for each check (see the check’s user guide for correct syntax). Additional tflint configurations can also be added to the tflint-configs directory and then passed with the appropriate input option.


    name: Terraform Static Analysis
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
        fetch-depth: 0
    - name: Run Analysis
      uses: ministryofjustice/github-actions/terraform-static-analysis@main
        GITHUB_TOKEN: $
        scan_type: changed
        tfsec_exclude: AWS095


fetch-depth: 0 is required to get a git diff to detect changed files.

GITHUB_TOKEN is required to write the results to the pull request. This is the built in workflow token created when you start using Actions (see here) this should have read and write permissions to write to a pull request, this can be found under Actions in the repository Settings