Portfolio Spotlight


A monthly meeting rotating between Corporate, HMCTS and HMPPS to allow deep dives into what is happening in each portfolio.

These meetings serve as a way for each portfolio to talk through their current roadmap, highlighting key milestones coming up, as well as a forum to review their current production systems to ensure they still align to the wider team tech recommendations.


3-4pm on the 4th Thursday of the month.

Core audience

  • DEDSAI senior management.
  • Data and Analysis Engineering Team.


Via the Portfolio Spotlight GitHub project board.

Order of Business

  1. Intro from CfE lead
  2. Intro from Portfolio lead
  3. Current roadmap highlighting key milestones.
  4. Talking through how quality is being met within systems.
  5. Existing pipelines “MOT”.
  6. Pipeline documentation is up to date.
  7. Review data set for 12 month’s time.
  8. AOB.



  • Coordinate with Portfolio leads ahead of their quarterly slot.
  • Shares the recordings and action points after the presentation.
  • Encourages attendance.
  • Add any relevant documentation from meeting to team documentation.

Portfolio lead

  • Identify developments and areas of note within Portfolio over last quarter that should be shared with team.
  • Coordinate with Portfolio’s Domain leads to organise presentation structure.
  • Lead discussions during meeting.
  • Ensure documentation in place for pipelines to undergo “pipeline MOT” this quarter.
  • Add any relevant documentation from meeting to team documentation.


  • Knowledge within Portfolio’s are shared across rest of Data and Analytics engineering teams enabling more unified approach to ways of working.
  • Documentation for systems in Portfolio are captured centrally.
  • Existing systems undergo annual evaluations to ensure they meet DMET standards / identify areas needing review.
  • Update wider Data and Analytics engineering team of what is going on within each Portfolio.
  • Identify potential areas that would benefit from being presented at Tech Review.