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Last Updated: 2025-02-04 15:14
Last Updated: 2025-02-04 15:14
Abbreviation | Definition | Info |
102PF | 102 Petty France | London headquarters of the Ministry of Justice |
10SC | 10 South Colonnade | London Government hub |
1LS/2LS/3LS | 1st, 2nd or 3rd Line Support | |
A&A | Advice and assistance | The legal aid means test in the crime context has slightly different rules depending on whether it is to pay for 'advice and assistance' (A&A) or 'advocacy assistance' (AA) |
A&CA | Audit & Corporate Assurance | Internal Audit & Standards Audit Unit - See GIAA |
A&O | Accommodation and Occupancy (also known as *AO*) | A table of data, extracted from the NOMIS database providing a row per prisoner, including basic personal details and their location |
A2J | Access to Justice | |
AA | Administrative Assistants | |
AA | Advocacy assistance | The legal aid means test in the crime context has slightly different rules depending on whether it is to pay for 'advice and assistance' (A&A) or 'advocacy assistance' (AA) |
AAC | Administrative Appeals Court | |
Acas | Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service | (Note: only an initial cap.) Aims to prevent and resolve employment disputes prior to employment tribunals. |
ACCT | Assessment, Care in Custody and Teamwork | Self-Harm document - replacement for 2052Sh Self-harm document. |
ACL | Access Control List | |
ACO | Assistant Chief Officer (Probation) | An Assistant Chief Officer (ACO) is a strategic manager responsible for the delivery of Offender Management within Probation. |
ACPO | Association of Chief Police Officers | |
ACR | Automatic Conditional Release | |
AD | Active Directory | |
ADA | Added Days Awarded | Days that are added to a person's release date following a guilty outcome from adjudication. Only issued by an Independent Adjudicator (Judge) |
ADI | Application Desktop Integrator | |
ADP | Advocate Defence Payments | One of our projects for the Legal Aid Agency. where advocates (solicitors) can submit invoices for work done for legal aid work.Used to be known as CBO/Crime Billing Online |
ADR | Alternative dispute resolution | A method of resolving disputes outside court - for example, via mediation |
ADR | Architectural design record | |
AEP | Accelerated Encryption Processing | |
AFD | Agency Framework Document | NOMS framework |
AFK | Away From Keyboard | |
AGFS | Advocate Gradual Fees Scheme | Fee scheme available to Barristers who work on Crown Court cases |
AIS | Acceptance Into Service | |
AJAS | Access to Justice Analytical Services | |
AJTC | Administrative Justice Tribunals Council | |
ALB | Arm's-length body | a specific category of central government public bodies that are administratively classified by the Cabinet Office. |
ALM | Application Lifecycle Management | |
ALO | Adjudication Liason Officer | |
ALS | Action Learning Set | |
AMI | Amazon Machine Image | |
AO | Accommodation and Occupancy (also known as *A&O*) | |
AO | Accounting Officer | Each organisation in central government must have an Accounting Officer, which is usually the senior official in the organisation.Accounting Officers must be able to assure Parliament and the public of high standards of probity in the management of public funds. The Treasury maintains policy oversight throughout. Departments and organisations should notify the Treasury Officer of Accounts, in advance, of any changes to Accounting Officer designations. There should be no gap between one Accounting Officer leaving and another being appointed. |
AO | Administrative Officer | |
AOB | Any Other Business | |
AOS | Acknowledgement of Service | Document filed by a defendant confirming they've been served court documents. |
AP | Approved Premises | |
AP | Analytical Platform | |
AP | Accredited Programmes | |
APD | Approved Parole Date | |
API | Application Programming Interface | |
APPG | All Party Parliamentary Group | APPGs are informal cross-party groups that have no official status within Parliament. They are run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords, though many choose to involve individuals and organisations from outside Parliament in their administration and activities. |
APVS | Assisted Prison Visit Scheme | Also known as HWPV (Help With Prison Visits). |
APVU | Assisted Prison Visits Unit | Former name of the contact centre teams that manage the Help With Prison Visits claims. Now called Family Services. |
ARD | Automatic Release Date | |
ARMS | Active Risk Management System | |
ART | Aggression Replacement Training | Violence Programme (no longer running). |
ARV | Alcohol Related Violence | Substance Misuse Programme (no longer running). |
ASBO | Anti-Social Behaviour Order | A court order which can be obtained by local authorities to restrict the behaviour of a person likely to cause harm or distress to the public. |
ASPIRE | Assess – Sentence Plan – Implement – Review – Evaluate | This is the core framework of offender management/sentence planning |
ASRO | Addressing Substance Related Offending | Substance Misuse Programme (no longer running). |
AT | Assisted Technology | |
ATIA | Architecture, Technology and Information Assurance | A former unit inside MOJ ICT |
ATO | Authority to operate | |
ATR | Alcohol Treatment Requirements | |
AVD | Azure Virtual Desktop | |
AWDL | Average Working Days Lost | |
AWS | Amazon Web Services | |
BA | Business Analyst or Business Admin | |
BAFO | Best And Final Offer | |
BAME | Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic | |
BASM | Book a Secure Move | |
BASS | Bail Accommodation Support Services | Old name for what is now known as CAS-2 |
BAU | Business as Usual | |
BBR | Building Better Relationships | An intervention programme for adult male prisoners who have been convicted of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in a heterosexual relationship. |
BCS | Basic Custody Screening | |
BCST | Basic Custody Screening Tool | An assessment tool used for the management of people at the point they begin a custodial sentence. |
BDG | Business Development Group | |
BEIS | Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy | Merger between the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills and the Department of Energy and Climate Change |
BI | Business Intelligence | |
BIA | Business Impact Assessment | An assessment template/matrix used by a business owner to determine impact levels of data/systems that they own. Questions like "How many people will be affected if your data is unavailable for a day". |
BIAR | Business Intelligence Archive | 'Basically a proprietary zip file used to move Business Intelligence content from one BusinessObjects Enterprise Server to another' |
BIC | Belief in Change | General Offending Programme (no longer running). |
BIL# | Business Impact Level [number] | Often pronounced "aisle two", "aisle zero" etc.Information has an impact level, not a whole system. eg p-Nomis is IL3 is wrong. Specific information about prisoners will have a business impact 3 if made public. All revised with the new Official criteria |
BIP | Business Intelligence Platform | |
BIS | Department for Business Innovation & Skills | |
BLB / ABLB | Better Lives Booster / Adapted Better Lives Booster | A treatment programme for people convicted of a sexual offence (no longer running). |
BNM | Becoming New Me | A thinking skills programme for people with a learning disability |
BOP | Bring on Potential | Education and Learning gained inside are recorded in BOP, which is available ‘through the gate’. Part of ILP (Individual Learning Plan) |
BOTUS | Breach of Top Up Supervision | |
BPSS | Baseline Personnel Security Standard | The minimum level of clearance for someone working in the Civil Service. |
BSE | Basic, Standard & Enhanced | The various levels of prison regime |
BSR | Building Skills for Recovery | Substance misuse programme |
BVLS | Book a video link service | Allows Court users to book a virtual court hearing & corresponding appointment directly with the prison, to replace phone calls, emails & fax methods used previously. Being rolled out nationally, but only enabled when the prison has build a Video Suite & had the technology installed, so time constraints based on physical building work |
BWVC | Body Worn Video Camera | Cameras worn by Uniformed staff within prisons, to de-escalate & record incidents |
C-NOMIS | Combined National Offender Management Information System | C-NOMIS refers to a combined prison and probation system. C-NOMIS was designed to deliver a single database to implement end-to-end offender management across the Prison Service and the National Probation Service. The probation element of NOMIS was not implemented and the service was later rebranded to P-NOMIS. |
C&R | Control & Restraint | Prison-taught approved techniques used when taking control & managing incidents with prisoners, to prevent harm/injury to staff and prisoners, de-escalate incidents etc. Also known as Use of Force & now recorded on the UoF Digital Service |
CA | Case Administrators | Staff based in Prisons or Probation offices, who manage the day to day admin of cases and records |
CA | Citizen's Advice | Charity, funded largely by central and local government, that provides a one-stop non-specialist advice on many different issues. |
CAFCASS | Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service | |
CAIT | Child Abuse Investigation Team | |
CAIT | Child Arrangements Information Tool | Information resources to help separating couples make arrangements (custody, etc.) for their children. |
CALM | Controlling Anger and Learning to Manage it | Violence Programme (no longer running). |
CAN | Denotes both capability and possibility | Formal term from UK Government Orange Book: Management of Risk - Principles and Concepts. |
CARATS | Counselling, Assessment, Rehabilitation, Advice & Through care | CARAT workers are intermediaries between drug treatment providers and the prisoners themselves |
CARE | Choices, Actions, Relationships, Emotions | Violence Programme |
CARM | Civil Automatic Referral to Mediation | A process automatically referring some Civil cases to mediation. |
CAS | Community accommodation services | |
CAS | Case Allocation System | Used after sentencing to assign a person who has been convicted as NPS or CRC |
CAS-2 | The Community Accommodation Service, Tier 2 | A contracted service which provides short-term accommodation for those who have no suitable accommodation and may otherwise be held in custody. |
CAS-3 | The Community Accommodation Service, Tier 3 | |
CaseMan | Civil Case Management legacy system | The case management system formerly used by HMCTS services |
CAT / RE-CAT | Categorisation of a prison or prisoner | Each prison is given a Categorisation rating which denotes it's security levels & what Categorisation of prisoner it can hold. Cat A is the highest security prison, with Cat D being the lowest. Categorisation assessments are carried out on prisoner and they are reviewed at regular interval. If an prisoner is deemed to need a change in categorisation, this is known as a "re-cat". |
CAT TOOL | Categorisation Digital Service | The new Digital Service that is used when risk assessing prisoners to determine their Categorisation level. Reviews should be done at regular intervals and should be updated before moving the prisoner to a prison of a different Categorisation rating to where they are currently being held. |
CATS | Case Assessment and Tracking System | .NET application written and used by CFO at Daresbury Park in Warrington for managing externally funded (historically ESF) programmes |
CBDT | Compact Based drug testing | Formerly known as Voluntary Drug Testing. Used as an incentive to keep prisoners drug-free, by them signing a compact to undertake regular drug testing and earning rewards based on remaining drug-free. |
CBO | crime billing online | |
CC | Celluar Confiment | When a prisoner has poor behaviour, they can be awarded CC, which means they are not allowed out of their cells. Often used as punishments following proven adjudications, where a Governor may award 7 days CC, which means the prisoner is not allowed out of their cell for that period, aside from showers & other essential appointments. Effectively being grounded, by removing their privileges and social time out of their cell |
CC | Carbon Copy | |
CCBC | County Court Bulk Centre | Set up by HM Courts & Tribunals Service specifically to deal with straightforward debt collection work which, in the main, is undefended. In Northampton. |
CCCD | Claim for Crown Court Defence | Legal Aid Agency project where advocates (solicitors) can submit invoices for work done for legal aid work. Project formerly known as ADPproject formerly known as CBO |
CCLF | Crown Court Litigator Fee | LAA web app that manages LGFS (Litigators Graduated Fee Scheme) claims. |
CCM | Commercial Contract Management | |
CCMCC | County Court Money Claims Centre | |
CCMD | Commercial and Contract Management Directorate | |
CCMS | Client Cost Management System | LAA ERP app to replace CIS, including financial modules to manage the LAA fund. Covers all civil certificated work (i.e. civil legal representation). Allows providers to make online legal aid applications and manage cases. Allows providers and advocates to submit bills online. Allows providers and advocates to scan and upload supporting documents electronically. Allows clients to pay us in new ways, such as credit and debit cards, payment reference cards and via direct debit. CCMS has been mandatory for all civil case types since 1 April 2016. In addition, Acts as the financial accounting system of reference for LAA General Ledger, Accounts Paytable, Accounts Receivable and is the system that actually makes payments to providers, and manages interactions with 3rd party Debt Recovery for CCMS cases. |
CCO | Call Centre Officer | Call centre officer of DSCC |
CCP | Corporate Change Portfolio | |
CCPU | Corruption, Crime and Policing Unit | Department that carry out investigations into staff misconduct or wrong doing |
CCQ | Check if your client qualifies for legal aid | LAA web app for legal providers to work out if a potential client meets the means test (financial eligibility) for legal aid |
CCR | Crown Court Remuneration | LAA web app that manages AGFC (Advocate Gradual Fee Scheme) claims. Feeds into LAA data warehouse. |
CCR | Court Custody Records | |
CCRC | Criminal Cases Review Commission | |
CCRN | Court Case Reference Number | This is a unique reference number assigned to a new occurrence of a court case created on PNC. The CCRN is held by CJSE but may not be held by court systems relevant to all court types and may be used to identify cases in civil crown magistrates courts etc. Will be held in CJSE sent from Police Case systems. |
CCS | Crown Commercial Service | |
CDA | Court data adaptor | |
CDC | Change Data Capture | |
CDC | Change Directorate Committee | |
CDCS | Change Data Capture Staging | LAA Oracle database for capturing data from CCMS & CIS and moving to EDW for CCMI. No longer exists. |
CDD | Criminal Defence Direct | Telephone adviser run by a few providers. |
CDE | Common Data Extract | A report of all prisoners in NOMIS with lots of data about them. Also known as ‘offloc’ (offender location report). The CDE is used to transfer prisoner data to other NOMS/MOJ systems (like Mercury) and to other agencies (like the police). |
CDM | HMPPS Contract Delivery Manager | |
CDO | Chief Digital Officer | |
CDPs | Crime & Drugs Partnership | |
CDT | Central Drafting Team | In reference to ministerial correspondence |
CDVP | Community Domestic Violence Programme | Domestic Violence Programme (no longer running). |
CEMLI | Configuration, Extension, Modification, Localisation and Integration | |
CEO | Court enforcement officer | |
CESG | Communications-Electronics Security Group | Part of GCHQ that provides policy and assistance on digital security. |
CFE | Check Financial Eligibility | A non-user facing service which calculates an applicant’s financial eligibility using data entered through Apply. This includes information on an applicant’s income and outgoings, and calculations include a range of different things in accordance with legal aid regulation based on what information is entered. |
CFO | Creating Future Opportunities | The name of a group within HMPPS who manage external funding (such as that from the ESF). Offices located in Daresbury Warrington. |
CFO | HMPPS Co-Financing Organisation | The Co-Financing Organisation has delivered services to offenders in custody and the community since January 2010. Services are delivered via contracted prime providers |
CFT | Civil, Family and Tribunals | The name of a directorate in HMCTS. |
CGI | Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique | CGI stands for Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique in French, which translates to 'Information Systems and Management Consultants', in English. However, the official English meaning is 'Consultants to Government and Industry'.The company was formerly known as Logica. |
CHAPS | Correspondence Handling And Processing System | |
Chromis | Chromis | Violence Programme (no longer running). |
CHS | Case Handling System | Set of applications used by the Civil Legal Aid Operator Contact Centre and Specialist Legal Providers to manage Civil Legal Aid cases opened by members of the public in England and Wales. |
CICA | Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority | "We deal with compensation claims from people who have been physically or mentally injured because they were the victim of a violent crime in England, Scotland or Wales." |
CIPD | Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development | |
CIRASS | Community Interventions, Residential and Accommodation Support Service | |
CIS | Corporate Information System | LAA thick client app for legacy legal aid case management. It handles legacy cases for civil certificated work (i.e. civil representation) Internal system only (no provider facing functions). Also used for other work unrelated to civil and family certificated work. Intention is to decommission this system when it is practical. |
CJA | Criminal Justice Act | CJA 1991 & 2003 |
CJAS | Criminal Justice Analytical Service | |
CJG | Criminal Justice Group | |
CJH | Criminal Justice Hub | A free information resource for the criminal justice community in England & Wales. |
CJIT | Criminal Justice Information Technology | |
CJS | Criminal justice system | An expression that covers the delivery of justice in relation to crime, across multiple organisations. Includes the likes of: law enforcement, lawyers, CPS, courts, prisons and probation. See also https://www.cps.gov.uk/about-cps/criminal-justice-system. Style guide: it's not really a proper noun, so don't use caps. Never abbreviate. |
CJSE | Criminal Justice Secure Exchange | Related to CJSM, this is a pipe for sending data and files (rather than email) between police, CPS and courts. Often used for submitting cases to be prosecuted, and the charging decisions leading up to them.It supports a few standards:(1) EXISS is a one-way interface. If the case is duff, CPS have to phone/email Police to give feedback and get it sent again.(2) TWIF/EXISS2 is a two-way interface which allows CPS to send secure messages back.TWIF supports charging decisions being sent as structured data. Most other documents are sent as a set of Word docs or PDFs.Digital Case File is a standard devised by CPS for sending the contents of the various case forms as structured data rather than word docs, hidden as a JSON payload alongside other documents being transferred anyway. Ultimately the 'sending' part will be replaced by publishing and permissions. |
CJSM | Criminal Justice Secure Mail | A secure email platform used for conveying sensitive information between users in organisations across the criminal justice system. In addition, the security assurance process drives up security standards across the sector. |
CJX | Criminal justice eXtranet | links police pnn network to other govt networks |
CLA | Civil Legal Advice | CLA is a service provided to the general public in England and Wales where users can obtain free legal advice from specialist legal providers relating to a range of Civil matters. This is subject to the user’s matter being within scope of the service and the user passing the means eligibility test. The advice can either be given via telephone or in person depending upon the client’s unique circumstances. |
CLA | Civil Legal Aid | |
CM | Custodial Manager | A Band 5 Uniformed Prison Manager. Identified by 3 stripes on their epaulettes. Usually responsible for overseeing the day-to-day running of the prison, reporting to the Duty Governor. Often known by the call sign "Oscar One" |
CMAC | Court Martial Appeals Court | |
CMS | Custodial Management System | Unilink’s Custodial Management System (CMS) is a comprehensive, biometrically enabled management system for custodial environments. Used in prisons both private and public. |
CMT | Contract Management Team | |
CNA | certified normal accommodation | Relating to prison capacity: "the good, decent standard of accommodation that the service aspires to provide all prisoners" |
CNA | Certified Normal Accommodation | The Prison Service's measure of accommodation, CNA represents the good, decent standard of accommodation that the services aspires to provide all prisoners. |
CO | Community Order | |
COACD | Court of Appeal Criminal Division | |
COBR | Cabinet Office Briefing Room | |
CoCo | Code of Connection | Usually associated with the PSN. An agreed standard ('code') for network communication. |
COE | Center of Excellence | Microsoft Power Platform management tooling |
Cohort, ‘Core Cohort’ | Prisoners who are lower risk and assigned to a Key Worker and CRC | |
Cohort, ‘Specialised Cohort’ | Prisoners who are higher risk and are assigned to Key Worker and a Prison Offender Manager (POM) | |
COM | Community Offender Managers | A role within the National Probation Service |
COM | Court Operations Manager | |
COM-B | Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation Behaviour | |
COPs | Contracted Out Prisons | Privately run establishments |
Core SOTP | Core Sex Offender Treatment Programme | Sex Offender Treatment Programme (no longer running). |
COTS | Commercial off-the-shelf | software; as opposed to custom build |
COVAID | Control of Violence for Angry Impulsive Drinkers | Substance Misuse Programme |
CP | Common Platform | Service provided by HMCTS, used by LAA to find criminal hearing information |
CP | Cloud Platform | The MoJ Cloud Platform is a modern hosting platform for digital services |
CP | Core Programme | Sex Offender Treatment Programme (no longer running). |
CPA | Contract Package Area | Refers to the geographic area a CRC is responsible for |
CPIG | Crown Prosecution Inspectorate Group | Fire Safety |
CPM | Child Protection Management | |
CPO | Chief Probation Officer | |
CPO | Community Probation Officer | |
CPO | Community Punishment Order | |
CPP | common platform project | |
CPR | Civil Procedure Rule | A rule covering how Civil litigation proceeds in the courts. |
CPR | Criminal Procedure Rules | |
CPR | CardioPulmonary Resuscitation | It combines chest compressions and rescue breaths to give a person the best chance of survival following a cardiac arrest. Each prison should have a minimum agreed number of First-aiders who are CPR trained, staff on duty at all times |
CPRC | Civil Procedure Rule Committee | |
CPS | Crown Prosecution Service | The organisation that is responsible for providing the prosecution in criminal cases in England and Wales. |
CPT | Custodial Performance Tool | Replaced by Prison Performance Tool (PPT) |
CR | Change Request | |
CRAMS | Case Reporting And Management System | Person on probation caseload data (Probation) |
CRB | Criminal Records Bureau | Replaced by the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) |
CRC | Community Rehabilitation Company | Organisations that will deliver probation services from 2014, replacing probation trusts. |
CRD | Conditional Release Date | |
CRDS | Calculate Release Dates Service | |
CRE | Commission for Racial Equality | |
CRED | Civil Representation Expenditure Data Warehouse | MI system holding civil case expenditure data extracted from CIS.CRED data is held in the EDW database - STAGEX schema owns the code and staging tables, FED schema owns the warehouse tables. |
CRL | Childcare Resettlement License | a type of ROTL |
CRM12 | An Excel form to apply to Rota. A spread sheet that contains solicitors information * All crime forms in LAA are called CRM | |
CRN | Case Reference Number | The number assigned to a person on probation in NDelius - the word case is misleading |
CRO | Community Responsible Officer | Equivalent of a Community Offender Manager but in CRCs |
CRO | criminal records office | A Unique number, issued once person is convicted by police. People should have their CRO number recorded on their Prison record, where known. |
CRO | Community Rehabilitation order | |
CRP | Conference Room Pilot | |
CRS | Commissioned Rehabilitative Services | Rehabilitation and resettlement interventions procured through the Dynamic Framework - the mechanism to procure rehabilitation and resettlement interventions in regional areas |
CS | Case Supervisor | |
CSAAP | Correctional Services Accreditation and Advice Panel | |
CSAT | Customer Satisfaction | |
CSB | Cognitive Skills Booster | General Offending Programme (no longer running). |
CSC | Close Supervision Centre | Also known as Segregation unit, Seg, Solitary Confinement & SCU |
CSC | Central Services Centre | |
CSCP | Cognitive Self Change Programme | Violence Programme (no longer running). |
CSG | Corporate Services Group | Part of MOJ led by director general Matthew Coats which includes Estates, ICT, HR, Shared Services and Digital Services. |
CSIP | Challenge Support Intervention Plan | CSIP is a process used in prisons to support and manage prisoners who pose an increased risk of being violent. It is aimed at supporting those individuals who are considered to pose a raised risk of harming others through their behaviour in custody. |
CSL | Civil Service Learning | Training courses for civil servants. |
CSOGP | Community Sex Offender Group Programme | Sex Offender Treatment Programme (no longer running). |
CSR | Civil Service Resourcing | The previous name for the Government Recruitment Service (GRS) |
CSR | Corporate Staff Rostering | A system used in prisons to detail staff. Also known as My Detail or InVision WFM |
CSRA | Cell Share Risk Assessment | Mandatory risk assessment carried out on all prisoners and reviewed at regular intervals, to try to prevent harm or risk to prisoners. Introduced following the death in custody of Zahid Mubarek, who was murdered in Feltham young offender institution in 2000, after he was put in the same cell as Robert Stewart who had mental health issues and racist beliefs. |
CSV | Community Service Volunteer | |
CTC | Counter Terrorism Clearance | a security clearance level, as seen in the Tech Scorecard : "Anyone with administrative or operational access to production systems... has CTC-level clearance" |
CTS | Core Technology Services team | |
CTSA2021 | Counter Terrorism and Sentencing Act 2021 | |
CTSC | Courts and Tribunals Service Centre | |
CUI | Citizen UI | Frontend design pattern used for public-facing transactional services at HMCTS |
Custody Assistant | subcontracted staff in custody | |
Custody Officer | police staff | |
CVCC | Court Video Conference Centre | |
CVL | Create and Vary a Licence | |
CVP | Cloud Video Platform | CVP is an internet-based video meeting service used for court or tribunal headings. |
CWA | Contracted Work and Administration | LAA web app for managing providers and their contracted work. Billing system (for civil legal help and crime lower) that contains all provider contracts and schedules. Enables commissioning teams to manage their providers’ contracts and schedules. Is provider facing. Interfaces with CCMS to supply 'master record of the truth' of provider contract and contact details. Also does work in provisioning new provider user details to CCMS. |
CWX | Civil debt recovery service. Legacy debt management app, hosted external. | |
D.Y.O. | Deter Young Cohort Offender | |
DAAT | Drugs & Alcohol Action Team | |
DAC | Digital Accessibility Centre | An org who do accessibility testing and consultancy on digital services |
DACU | Data Access and Compliance Unit | |
DAL | Delegation Authority Letter | A document indicating that the bearer has authority to delegate responsibility for a government bank account to SSCL. |
DARTS | Digital Audio Recording and Transcription Service | System for recording courts and allowing transcription agencies to listen to and upload transcriptions. |
DARU | Data Assurance Reporting Unit | |
DASD | Data & Analytical Services Division | |
DASHRAS | Data Science And HR Analytical Services | |
DASO | Domestic Abuse Safety Officers | Domestic Abuse Safety Officers (DASOs) are embedded as part of regional Interventions teams within the Probation Service. DASOs support victims of domestic abuse once the perpetrator has been sentenced at court to participate in a Building Better Relationships accredited programme, as a condition attached to their Probation Order. DASOs provide a vital service to their clients, including any new partners who may be at risk, and work collaboratively with Probation practitioners and agencies to promote safety and manage risk. The DASO team have recently undergone a change in role title to better reflect the nature of their work; having been known previously as Partner Link Workers. |
DBS | Defence Business Services | |
DBS | Disclosure and Barring Service | Organisation that maintains records and helps determine if someone should be prevented from working in a regulated activity, for example working with children. |
DCA | Department for Constitutional Affairs | Became MOJ when joined with NOMS in 2007. |
DCF | Digital Case File | An attempt at creating end-to-end digital/modern justice system from Police -> Crown Prosecution Service -> Courts -> Prisons -> Probation |
DCMF | Designed, Constructed, Managed & Financed | |
DCR | Discretional Conditional Release | |
DD | Deputy Director | |
DDA | Disability Discrimination Act 1995 | |
DDaT | Digital, Data and Technology | |
DDC | Deputy Director of Custody | regional responsibilty for a group of prisons |
DDC | Digital Document Conversion | |
DDDCC | Data Driven Department and Culture Change | |
DDJ | Deputy District Judge | A judge who sits for between 15 to 50 days a year in the County Courts |
DF | Delegated Functions | Where legal providers, in limited circumstances, are authorized by LAA to assess eligibility for legal aid *themselves*, enabling them to proceed with work on the case, and notify the LAA in the following few days |
DFD | Data Flow Diagram | |
DfE | Department for Education | The DfE is responsible for children's services and education, including higher and further education policy, apprenticeships and wider skills in England. |
DG | Data Gateway | A central governance structure and process to regulate the collection of data across HMPPS |
DGAB | Data Governance Assurance Board | |
DHSC | Department of Health and Social Care | The Department of Health and Social Care leads, shapes and funds health and social care in England. |
DIB | Divisional Implementation Board | |
DIC | death in custody | |
DID | Drink Impaired Drivers | Substance Misuse Programme |
DIP | Drug Intervention Programme | A high-profile strategy for tackling drugs and reducing crime. |
Dip sampling | A quality control process used by police forces in which a representative proportion of files are selected and inspected | |
DISC | Development, Innovation and Support Contracts | Shared services framework - Atos (infrastructure), CGI (formerly LogicaCMG - applications) supporting Dom1 |
DISO | Digital Infrastructure Security Operations | |
DIWG | Data Integrity Working Group | Looking at data and/or recording issues in Probation |
DJ | District Judge | Judges dealing with most cases in the County Courts |
DLP | Data Loss Prevention | |
DOM | Director of Offender Management | |
DOM1/Dom1 | Domain 1 | End-user compute and networking solution |
DPA | Data Protection Act | |
DPIA | Data Protection Impact assessment | |
DPR | Digital Prison Reporting | |
DPRRD | Detention Post Recall Release Date | |
DPS | Digital Prison Services | Replacement system for the heritage database system for prisoners NOMIS |
DPS | Dynamic Purchasing System | Not unique to MoJ - it's a way that Governors can purchase additional education or work provision on site, outside of the standard education contracts. Some stakeholders may be more familiar with this definition of DPS rather than 'Digital Prison Services' |
DQ | Directions Questionnaire | Form sent to claimants and defendants in small claim cases so the judge can give instructions |
DQ | Data Quality | |
DR | Defence Request | Formally DSDS. |
DR | Disaster Recovery | |
DRA | Digital Reference Architecture | The enterprise architecture view of HMCTS |
DRR | Drug Rehabilitation Requirement | |
DRY | Don't Repeat Yourself | Often "DRY-ed". Removing duplication in code. |
DS | Digital Services | MOJ Digital Services (formally DSD) |
DSA | Data Sharing Agreement | |
DSA | Data Standards Authority | The DSA works to improve how the public sector manages data. The DSA does this by establishing standards to make it easier and more effective to share and use data across the government. |
DSCC | Defence Solicitor Call Centre | The call centre service that police use to provide a solicitor for people in custody. |
DSD | Digital Service Designers | |
DSD | Digital Services Division | Now obsolete. Please refer to 'Digital Services' (without the 'Division') or 'MOJ Digital Services'. |
DSDS | Defence Solicitor Deployment Service | |
DSF | Digital Services Framework | A framework for procuring software development teams across government |
DSG | Digital Steering Group | |
DSM | Deskside Support Manager | IT Managers covering prisons. Now known as POS - Prison Onsite Support |
DSO | Defence & Security Organisation | |
DSO | Deskside Support Officer | |
DSO | Digital Studio Operations | Slack Channel - #ask-digital-studio-ops |
DSOs | Departmental Strategic Objectives | |
DSRG | Data Standards Reporting Group | |
DSS | Data Security Standard | An accreditation for handling credit/debit cards managed by Payment Card Industry (PCI). |
DST | Designated Search Team | |
DTCs | Democratic Therapeutic Communities | General Offending Programme |
DTO | Detention Training Order | |
DTRG | Digital Technology Review Group | |
DTTO | Drug Treatment and Testing Orders | |
DV | Developed Vetting | Level of Security Clearance |
DV | Domestic Violence | Defined as any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. |
DWP | Department for Work and Pensions | Government organisation - administrates ESF budget allocation |
DX | Document Exchange | DX, or Direct Exchange, is a private business-to-business mail and packaging network in the United Kingdom. Direct Exchange is cheaper than standard first-class mail. Subscriptions are necessary to use this service. |
DYOI | Detention in a Young Offender Institution | |
E3 | Effectiveness, Efficiency and Excellence | The change programme that will design and implement a new operation model for the National Probation Service |
EAP | Employee Assistance Programme | The HMPPS Employee Assistance Programme is a free and confidential service available to all HMPPS staff who need advice and support. |
EAT | Employment Appeal Tribunal | |
EBS | E-Business Suite | An Oracle Application for Business. Utilised by LAA for CCMS and CWA. |
ECHR | European Convention on Human Rights | An international treaty to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms in Europe. |
ECL | End of Custody Licence | A scheme within the Prison Service between 2007 and 2010 to help alleviate pressures on the prison population. Eligible people could be released early from custody 18 days before their release date |
ECS | Elastic Container Service | |
ECSL | End of Custody Supervised Licence | A scheme within the Prison Service first implemented on 17 October 2023, operating in 21 prisons and is a temporary measure in response to the current pressure on some prisons. Its use is targeted, and it will only operate in certain areas for a limited period of time. |
EDM | Exceptional Delivery Model | |
EDR | Earliest Date of Release | |
EDRMS | Electronic Documents and Record Management System | Also known as NorthgateLAA's externally hosted document/record management system, used by CCMS. |
EDS | Extended Determinate Sentence | |
EDS | Electronic Data Systems | The private contractor providing the new IT infrastructure throughout the Prison Service as per the QUANTUM Project |
EDS100 | Extended Determinate Sentence imposed for certain Terrorism Offences | |
EDW | Enterprise Data Warehouse | Management Information data warehouse. Holds data from many LAA applications. |
EFE | Estimate Financial Eligibility | An example is the LAA estimate of financial eligibility for legal aid |
EGS | Enhanced Gate Security | EGS refers to the installation of X-ray baggage scanners, archway metal detectors (sometimes referred to as a ‘portal’) and hand-held metal detector wands. |
EM | Electronic Monitoring | (Also known as 'tagging') is the practice of attaching a tag to someone's ankle, used in England and Wales to monitor curfews and conditions of a court or prison order. Forms part of HDC - Home Detention Curfew |
EM | Escort Manager | |
EMAP | Email a Prisoner | |
EMED | Electronic Monitoring Eligibility Date | |
EMI | Electronic Management Information | LAA web app that allows LAA to share MI data with providers. Currently used for financial statements. |
EMS | Electronic Monitoring Services | The organisation responsible for the delivery of Electronic Monitoring. |
EMT | Equalities Monitoring Tool | |
EOI | Expression of Interest | Recruitment method that can sometimes be utilised. Ie. filling short-term vacancies with internal staff |
EP | Extended Programme | Sex Offender Treatment Programme (no longer running). |
EPAW | Express Prior Authority in Writing | Related to the disclosure of military service |
EPDQ | Electronic Post Data Quickly transaction | Electronic payments service used within some HMCTS services |
EPICK | Event, Problem, Incident, Continual Service Improvement and Knowledge Team | |
EQUIP | Excellence and Quality in Probation Processes | |
ERMP | Exceptional Regime Management Plan | |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning | |
ERS | Early Removal Scheme | |
ERSED | Early Removal Scheme Eligibility Date | |
ESA | Employment and Support Allowance | You can apply for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) if you have a disability or health condition that affects how much you can work. |
ESED | Effective Sentence End Date | |
ESF | European Social Fund | Provides funding via the CFO to provide additional services to offenders |
ESL | Effective Sentence Length | Representation of sentence length as a single period term |
ESOL | English for Speakers of Other Languages | |
ESPP | Extended Sentence for Public Protection | |
Estyn | the office of His Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales | |
ESW | Education, Skills and Work | |
ET | Employment Tribunal | |
ETD | Early Transfer Date for Detention and Training Orders (DTO) | |
ETE | Education, Training & Employment | |
ETL | Extract, Transform & Load | |
ETS | Enhanced Thinking Skills | A course that prisoner can do to to address the attitudes and thought patterns that may of contributed to their offending |
EUCS | End User Compute Services | |
Ex-ASP | Ex-Armed Service Personnel | |
ExCo | Executive Comity Board | Permanent Secutary and Director Generals (6 of). |
Exhibit | Database co-ordinated by Crown Courts | |
EXISS | Exchange Integration Services Stream | |
Extradition | only registered solicitor can go | |
ExUI | Expert UI | Common component providing a user interface to HMCTS staff and solicitors |
F2050 | prisoner core record | protected characteristics and case information |
FALA | Find a legal advisor | Public-facing service that allows people to find a legal advisor who holds a contract with the LAA |
FaSO | Family and Significant Other | |
FCA | Financial Conduct Authority | The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is a financial regulatory body in the United Kingdom, but operates independently of the United Kingdom government, and is financed by charging fees to members of the financial services industry. |
FCO | Foreign and Commonwealth Office | |
FCOS | Foreign and Commonwealth Office Services | A trading fund of the FCO. Providers of IL2 and IL3 web hosting |
FDR | Fast Delivery Report | |
FFS/FFU | Fee For Service / Fee For Use | Fee for Service refers to the money that CRCs are automatically paid by the MoJ to deliver orders of the court for the offenders allocated to the CRC, plus the TTG services they are mandated to provide. |
FiAP | Find a Prisoner service | |
FITS | Future IT Sourcing Programme | or is the S 'sourcing'? Yes |
FLO | Family Liaison Officer | |
FMB | Functional Mailbox | |
FMI | Five Minute Intervention | A scheme introduced in Prisons, to encourage staff to use their personal skills & spend "5 minutes" talking with prisoners to try & reduce risk of harm, violence etc, with the idea being to reduce violence in prisons. "In prison, the everyday conversations we have can provide rehabilitative opportunities. When you use procedural justice principles and FMI skills you can help people to think and behave differently." |
FNC | First Night Centre | A unit or wing dedicated to people newly arriving in prison. Allows them to be observed easier in cases of detox, medical issues, self-harm etc. Often these wings have different observation hatches in the door to a normal wing, allowing for easier observation & issuing of medications to people without having to open the door during patrol state |
FNP | Foreign National Prison or Foreign National Prisoner | Prisons |
FOCUS | FOCUS | Substance Misuse Programme (no longer running). |
FOI | Freedom of Information | The Freedom of Information Act 2000 created a public 'right of access' to information held by public authorities. |
FOR | Focus on Resettlement | General Offending Programme (no longer running). |
FPMF | FITS Programme Management Framework | This was part of the overall governance framework for FITS. |
FPRC | Family Procedure Rules Committee | The Family Procedure Rule Committee (FPRC) makes rules of court that govern the practice and procedure followed in family proceedings in the High Court and family court.FPRC is an advisory non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Ministry of Justice. |
FRPS | Financial Resources and Payment for Services | |
FSAS | Finance and Strategy Analytical Service | |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent | |
FTR | Fixed Term Recall | |
G&O | Governance & Operational Data | |
GAL | Global Address List | |
GBS | Government Banking Service | |
GC | Gold Command | A specialist team who assemble in the case of incidents, such as riots, escapes etc. Usually consisting of a range of managers from various Security HQ Teams, they over-see the incident from a command centre & co-ordinate with staff on the front line (such as NTRG) to take control & resolve the incident as quickly as possible |
GDS | Government Digital Service | |
GES | Government Economic Services | The Government Economic and Social Research team (GESR) supports the joint Heads of the Government Social Research Service in providing strategic leadership to GSR and in delivering an effective service. |
GIAA | Government Internal Audit Agency | |
GIRR | Government Information Risk Return | |
GKIM | Government Knowledge & Information Management | The Government KIM Professional Framework has been mapped to the CILIP Professional Knowledge and Skills Base (PKSB), as this is the only professional framework to cover the whole spectrum of KIM activities. |
GL | General ledger | |
GLiMR | Generalised Listing, Management & Registration | GLiMR is a Generalised Listing, Management & Registration multi-jurisdiction Case Management system used by several MoJ sites situated throughout England and Wales, and as well as being accessed by both MoJ/HMCTS staff has a public-facing website that feeds directly to the GLiMR Database. |
GMS | Gateway Management System | The Gateway Management System (GMS) is the new staff tool for generating project proposals and first-time requests and replaces the Business Strategy Change Triage System. |
GOOD | Good Order Or Discipline | A term used in prisons to describe when a prisoner is located in a secure location (usually the Segregation unit) or under reduced regime, under Prison Rule 45 (YOI Rule 49). Good Order or Discipline is used if a prisoner behaves in a way that prison staff think would put other people in danger or cause problems for the rest of the prison. |
GORS | Government Operational Research Services | Operational research (also known as 'management science') is the application of scientific methods to management problems. |
GPC | Government Procurement Card | Like a credit card, but with additional public sector controls etc. Divisions can use it for small purchases. |
GPP | Generic Parole Process | |
GRS | Government Recruitment Service | The organisation that manages recruitment campaigns, ensuring open and fair competition. Previously known as Civil Service Resourcing. |
GSCPP | Government Security Centre People and Physical | |
GSI | Government Secure Intranet | |
GSR | Government Social Research | The Government Social Research Service (GSR) provides evidence to understand, develop, implement, monitor and evaluate government policies and services. It has members in all the main government departments as well as the devolved administrations and other government bodies. It is one of five government analytical services providing evidence for policy. |
GSS | Government Statistical Services | The Government Statistical Service (GSS) produces national statistics and other official statistics, analysis, interpretation and provides statistical advice to improve understanding and help decision-making. |
GWS | Government Wide Service | |
HC | Health Care | Health Care staff are NHS staff who work within the prison from their own dedicated Health Care building. They over see the day-to-day medical needs of prisoners. Most Police & Courts also have Health Care staff working with them to take care of people in custody |
HCC | Health Care Centre | NHS facility in a prison |
HDC | Home Detention Curfew | A statutory scheme that allows the Secretary of State to release eligible prisoners before their Conditional Release Date. It was designed to assist prisoners to resettle into the community. |
HDCAD | Home Detention Curfew Approved Date | |
HDCED | Home Detention Curfew Eligibility Date | |
HJIP | Health and Justice Indicators of Performance | Dataset that collects information on the delivery and outcome requirements NHS England are required to commission as part of their organisational responsibilities. |
HLT | HMPPS Leadership Team | |
HMC | Hearing Management Component | Common component facilitating the management of hearings at HMCTS |
HMCS | His Majesty's Courts Service | See HMCTS |
HMCTS | His Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service | HMCTS is an executive agency of the MoJ, responsible for the administration of the courts of England and Wales. |
HMG | His Majesty's Government | |
HMIP | His Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons | His Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons is an independent inspectorate which reports on conditions for and treatment of those in prison and young offender institutions and immigration facilities. |
HMIP | His Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation | His Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation is a statutory body and independent UK inspectorate funded by the MoJ. |
HMPPS | HM Prison and Probation Service | |
HN | Hostage Negotiators | Trained staff who attend incidents in prisons in cases of hostage-taking, to try & resolve the incident quickly & safely. |
HNA | Health Needs Assessment | |
HNA | Hostage Negotiation Advisors | |
HO | Home Office | The Home Office is a ministerial department responsible for immigration, security and law and order. |
HoBA | Head of Business Assurance | |
HOIT | Home Office IT | |
HOMD | Head of Offender Management Delivery | An individual who can assign POMs to offenders |
HOPO | Home Office Production Order | |
Horizon | Horizon Sex Offender Treatment Programme | Sex Offender Treatment Programme |
HPA | Historic Prisoner Application | When IIS (Inmate Information System - the precursor to Prison-NOMIS) was decommissioned, the data was archived into HPA |
HPP | High Performing Prison | |
HPT | Homelessness Prevention Team | |
HQ | Headquarters | |
HR | Human Resources | |
HRD | Human Resource & Development | |
HRM | Human Resource Management | |
HRP | Healthy Relationships Programme | Domestic Violence Programme (no longer running). |
HSE | High-Security Estate | The highest category/ security level of prison, eg Belmarsh, now more commonly known as LTSHE (Long Term High-Security Estate). Could also be Health and Safety Executive. |
HSP / HSF | Healthy Sex Programme / Health Sexual Functioning Programme | Sex Offender Treatment Programme |
HTA | Hierarchical Task Analysis | |
HWF | Help with Fees | The service formerly known as Fee Remission.Two parts, public and staff-facing |
HwPV | Help With Prison Visits | Also known as APVS (Assisted Prison Visit Scheme) |
I-SOTP | Internet Sex Offender Treatment Programme | Sex Offender Treatment Programme (no longer running). |
IA | immigration and asylum | As in 'Immigration and Asylum Tribunal'. |
IA | Independent Adjudicator | A Judge who attends prisons to over see certain Prison issued Adjudications that could result in additional days being added to an offenders sentence. IA could also refer to Information Assurance |
IA | Information Architecture | IA could also refer to Information Assurance, Information Architecture or immigration and asylum so confusing acronym. |
IA | Information Assurance | as used by MOJ ICT. |
IAC | Immigration and Asylum Chamber | |
IAC | Intensive Alternative to Custody | |
IAO | Information Asset Owner | Somewhat of an equivalent to a SIRO - related to information security/accreditation |
IAPS | Integrated Accredited Programmes System | |
IAR | Information Access Representative | Admin staff based at a prison to collect information for a SAR |
ICA | Initial Categorisation Assessment | |
IDA | identity assurance | Verifying digitally who someone is. There is a programme currently running (Jan 2014) in Government Digital Service, known as 'IDAP' which is implementing a way to verify the identity of citizens and business digitally so they can use government services online. |
IDAM | identity access management approach | The approach initially taken by the common platform programme, for applications like Rota. They are now moving to use the GDS created identity system IDAP |
IDAP | Government Digital Service's identity assurance programme | |
IDAP | Integrated Domestic Abuse Programme | Domestic Violence Programme (no longer running). |
IDPC | Used in Defence request | |
IDS | Intrusion Detection System | An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations. |
IDTS | Integrated Drug and Treatment System | Reception - Unit for prisoners detoxing from drugs and/or alcohol |
IEP | Incentive/Earned Privilege (level) | |
IEPS | Incentives & Earned Privileges Scheme | |
IFS | Interim financial system | |
IICSA | Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse | |
IIP | Investors In People | |
IIS | Inmate Information System | The precursor to Prison-NOMIS. IIS has now been decommissioned, and data archived into HPA (Historic Prisoner Application) |
IL# | Impact Levels [number] | Shorthand for BIL#Information has an impact level, not a whole system. eg p-Nomis is IL3 is wrong.specific information about prisoners will have business impact 3 if made publicAll revised with the new Official criteria |
ILP | Individual Learning Plan | |
IM | Interventions Manager | Specifically related to NDelius |
IMA | Independent Monitoring Authority | Responsible for monitoring EU nationals post-Brexit |
IMB | Independent Monitoring Board | Statutory bodies that monitor Prisons, the welfare of staff & prisoners, to ensure they are properly cared for whilst in custody and detention. |
IMR | Inmate Medical record | |
IMS | Intelligence Management Service | |
IMSU | Incident Management Support Unit | |
INView | INView | A system which supports the delivery of efficient and effective custodial services by providing cost and resource use information and reporting for services delivered in public sector prisons |
IOCCO | Interception of Communications Commissioner's Office | |
IOD | Information Operations Division | The Information Operations Division are responsible for:- Records Management - Managing the department's corporate record- FOI Act compliance - Ensuring FOI requests are dealt with in accordance with the Act.- Knowledge & Information Mgr - Building good Information Management and Knowledge Sharing- Information Assurance - Building Information Assurance against HMG mandated standards and developing a culture of good information handling- Data Protection Act Compliance - Ensuring personal data is handled lawfully / securely and that privacy is maintained |
IOM | Integrated Offender Management | |
IPP | Imprisonment (or detention) for Public Protection | CJA 1991 & 2003 |
IPPF | Integrated Probation Performance framework | |
IPT | Inter Prison Transfer | A transfer of an offender from one prison to another. Often known as PTP or Prison to Prison |
IPV | Intimate Partner Violence | |
IPV | Inter Prison Visit | A term used to describe when an offender at one prison, is allowed to visit another offender at another prison. Usually cases of close family members. It includes the staff from the sending prison to on escort with the prisoner, to the receiving prison & then allow the prisoners to meet for a visit, in a designated area under the observation of staff. |
IQR | Implementation Quality Report | |
IR | Intelligence Report | A method of reporting intelligence information to the Security department via the Mercury system (generally done electronically, but paper versions are available to those without computer access) |
IRaT | Incident Response and Tuning | Live product support at MoJ Digital. |
IRC | Immigration Removal Centre | I designated prison where offenders are held whilst awaiting deportation. Many of them are allowed things not usually allowed in prisons, such as their mobile phone as they are either not been charged with a criminal offence or have served a sentence & are now awaiting deportation. As such they are seen as innocent civilians, being deported, rather then serving prisoners. See IS91 as well |
IRS | Incident Reporting System | A bolt on software to PNOMIS for recording incidents within Prisons and escorts. |
is/are | denotes a description | Formal term from UK Government Orange Book: Management of Risk - Principles and Concepts. |
IS91 | A prisoner who has been detained under Immigration Act powers. | |
ISFL | Incentivised Substance Free Living | A type of substance misuse treatment wing within prison |
ISP | Indeterminate Sentence Prisoner | An offender who has not been given a release date. These offenders have to satisfy a parole board before they are considered for release, so they have an eligability date from which they can apply to the parole board, but they do not have a set date for release since a decision is made based on a number of factors such as behaviour in prison, engagement with victim awareness programmes etc |
ISP | Initial Sentence Plan | |
ISPP/IPP | Indeterminate Sentences for Public Protection | CJA 1991 & 2003. An offender who has not been given a release date. These offenders have to satisfy a parole board before they are considered for release, so they have an eligability date from which they can apply to the parole board, but they do not have a set date for release since a decision is made based on a number of factors such as behaviour in prison, engagement with victim awareness programmes etc. IPP sentences have now been deemed inhumane & are no longer handed out, since it was felt to be unfair that prolific offenders who had not committed heinous crimes such as murder, could be held indefinitely with no release date. Denounced as "inhumane" and a form of "psychological torture" by UN torture expert Alice Jill Edwards, IPP sentences were scrapped in 2012. Since then the number of unreleased IPP prisoners has been reduced by three-quarters and those in custody are being supported to progress towards release through the government's refreshed IPP Action Plan |
ISS | Investigations Support Services | Based in Crown House, Corby |
ISSS | Information and System Support Services | |
ITA | Internation Trade Advisor | 3rd party advisors contracted with UKTI offering business around business development. |
ITHC | IT Healthcheck | Penetration and security testing for services before they are released for public consumption. The ITHC must normally be re-done for each major system change - adding new external API lookups to a previously secure system, for example. Services are not considered 'live' or 'accepted into service' until the ITHC has been completed. Partial ITHCs exist, where a service already passed ITHC and a focussed change has been made. |
ITIL | ITIL, formerly[1] an acronym for Information Technology Infrastructure Library, is a set of detailed practices for IT service management (ITSM) that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business. | |
ITN | Invitation to negotiate | Confusing acronym - as more commonly used for Independent Television News. |
IWC | Intermittent Weekday Custody | |
IWP | Integrated Word Processor | Used within classic Prison-NOMIS Application. Template documents that pull data through from the database. Examples include case management documentation and release licences |
JAC | Judicial Appointments Commission | |
JC | Justices' clerk | Legally-trained member of staff in a magistrates' court, who advises the mags (who are volunteers) on tricky questions about the law. |
JCHR | Joint Committee on Human Rights | |
JES | Job Evaluation Scheme | |
JETS | Juvenile Enhanced Thinking Skills | General Offending Programme |
JHA | Justice and Home Affairs | One of the policy areas of the Council of the European Union |
JIRPA | Joint Industrial Procedural Agreement | |
JISL | Judicially Imposed Sentence Length | NOMIS internal representation of sentence length as a single period term |
JR | Judicial Review | Judicial review is a type of court proceeding in which a judge reviews the lawfulness of a decision or action made by a public body. |
JS | JavaScript | Computer code used predominantly in Web browsers to provide enhanced user interaction. |
JS | Jury Summons | |
JSA | Jobseekers Allowance | You can apply for New Style Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) to help you when you’re looking for work. |
JSAS | Justice Statistics Analytical Services | A unit within Ministry of Justice Analytical Services Directorate. |
JSC | Justice Select Committee | |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation | A simple, lightweight data format. |
Justice Data | Public facing website for latest prison, probabtion and courts data | https://data.justice.gov.uk/ |
Kainos CTC | Kainos Challenge to Change | General Offending Programme |
Kaizen | Kaizen Offender Behaviour Programme | General Offending Programme |
KBA | Knowledge Base Article | |
KBD | Key Business Decisions | |
Key Traka | See: Traka | |
KI | Known Incident | |
KILO | Knowledge and Information Liaison Officer | Responsible person/people in a team/department for responding to Freedom of Information Act requests. |
KML | Keyhole Markup Language | |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator | A type of performance measurement that evaluates the success of an organisation or of a particular activity. |
KPT | Key Performance Target | A type of performance measurement that evaluates the success of an organisation or of a particular activity. |
KSF | Keep Separate From | Used on a PER (Person Escort Record) |
KW | Key Worker | |
L&D | Learning & Development | |
LA | Legal Advisor | |
LAA | Legal Aid Agency | The new LSC |
LAA | Local Area Agreements | Local Area Agreements (LAAs) set out the priorities for a local area, as agreed between central government, the Local Authority and Local Strategic Partnership, and other key partners. |
LAALAA | Legal Aid Agency Legal Adviser API | API for finding Legal Providers for specific categories of law close to a physical location (postcode or address). |
LAPG | Legal Aid Practitioners Group | A membership organization representing legal aid providers/practitioners - lawyers, barristers etc. MOJ has a history of engaging with them on legal aid policy and practicalities. |
LASPO | Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 | Essentially this act 'reformed' the scope of what legal aid was available for (decreased the scope). When talking to subject matter experts at the level of granting legal aid funding, you may hear reference to phrases such 'Schedule 1' of the act, which describes what cases are 'in scope' or 'out of scope' for legal aid. LASPO gave rise to the need for Exceptional Case Funding (ECF) to ensure that human rights were not breached by cutting the scope of legal aid |
LASPOA2012 | Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 | Essentially this act 'reformed' the scope of what legal aid was available for (decreased the scope). When talking to subject matter experts at the level of granting legal aid funding, you may hear reference to phrases such 'Schedule 1' of the act, which describes what cases are 'in scope' or 'out of scope' for legal aid. LASPO gave rise to the need for Exceptional Case Funding (ECF) to ensure that human rights were not breached by cutting the scope of legal aid |
LBBs | Locks, Bars & Bolts | Old school terminology used by Prison Officers many years ago. Now more commonly known as Daily Cell Searching, which should be undertaken to identify any hazards, weapons, contraband in a cell & also ensure all the fittings & fixtures are in tact & working, including the security measures such as door locks, bars on the windows etc. |
LBs | Living Blocks | |
LCJ | Lord Chief Justice | Head of the judiciary in England and Wales |
LCJB | Local Criminal Justice Board | |
LDD | Learning Difficulties and Disabilities | |
LDD | Local Delivery Directory | Delivery of PSAs |
LDU | Local Delivery Unit | Probation |
LEA | Law Enforcement Agencies | |
LED | Licence Expiry Date | |
LEDS | Law Enforcement Data Service | |
LFW | Legal Framework | Reference data used in civil legal aid. It's a bunch of interlinked spreadsheets and it's used by CCMS. |
LGBT | Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual & Transgender (network) | |
LGFS | Litigators Graduated Fees Scheme | Fee scheme available to Solicitors who work on Crown Court cases |
LIAP | Low Intensity Alcohol Programme | Substance Misuse Programme (no longer running). |
LIBRA | Case management system used by Magistrate Courts only to record case details, hearing dates, applicant details etc. Note that this system is not used by Crown Courts. | |
Libra | Database co-ordinated by Magistrates Courts | |
LIDS | Local Inmate Data System | Prison-wide computer system to log details of all prisoners and their sentences. Has been replaced by NOMIS. |
LiP | Litigant in Person | An individual representing themselves at court without legal representation |
LiPs | Litigants in Persons | People at court without a professional representative. |
LIT | Local Implementation Team | Seems to be a common acronym for national->regional->local projects with CPS/Police/CJS. |
LNM | Living as New Me | Sex Offender Treatment Programme |
Los | Lay Observers | Court staff who oversee the running of the courts to ensure processes are being followed correctly |
LPA | Lasting Power of Attorney | This isn't usually capitalised, though GOV.UK and OPG do so. |
LPP | Local People Plan | People's Strategy |
LPP | Local Project Plan | Business Change - Microsoft Planning - OM, C-NOMIS, Phoenix |
LPT | London Probation Trust | |
LR | Licence Recall | When an offender is released on licence & commits further crime or breaches the conditions of their licence, they are recalled to prison, to serve the remainder of their sentence in custody. Can also be used to support or protect a vulnerable prisoner in edge cases, such as those with mental health issues who are having issues getting medications etc & require monitoring & support. |
LR | Licence Revoke | |
LSA | Local Systems Administrator | Someone with additional admin rights who maintain the account access, roles & permissions of other staff at their site. Usually relating to NOMIS, DPS etc |
LSAST | Live Services Applications Support Team (also a Prison-NOMIS Dev / Test environment by the same name) | This was the Prison-NOMIS Application Support Team's name, and an environment named 'LSAST' was originally built for them, but now it is now also used by NART for dev/test purposes |
LSC | Legal Services Commision | Now the LAA |
LSC | Learning & Skills Council | Replaced by Skills Funding Agency |
LSCB | Local Safeguarding Children Board | |
LSF | Local Security Framework | |
LTD | Late Transfer Date for a Detention Training Order | |
LTHSE | Long Term High-Security Estate | Cat A Prisons, intended to hold long-term life sentenced prisoners who meet the requirements to be housed at the highest security prisons, EG Belmarsh, Wakefield etc. |
MAAT | Means Assessment Administration Tool | Web app used by caseworkers to process legal aid applications for criminal cases. |
MaLi | Master list of initiatives | An MOJ Technology list of all projects and programmes of work across the ministry |
MALRAP | Multi Agency Lifer Risk Assessment Panel | |
MAPPA | Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements | |
MAPPP | Multi-Agency Public Protection Prisoner | |
MAPPS | Multi-Agency Public Protection Service | will replace VISOR. In development from 2021 until approx 2024 |
MARAC | Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference | A local, multi agency victim-focused meeting where information is shared on the highest risk cases of domestic violence and abuse (includes considerations of child protection) between different statutory and voluntary sector agencies |
MAY | denotes approval | Formal term from UK Government Orange Book: Management of Risk - Principles and Concepts. |
MBU | Mother and Baby Unit | A dedicated, safe wing in female prisons, intended for pregnant prisoners or new mothers, to allow them to have their babies with them whilst in prison. Depending on how long the prisoner has left to serve at the point of giving birth, the baby may be later taken by Children's Services or to an approved family member. In MBUs, mothers can care for their children up to the age of about 18 months. They have trained nursery nurses and prison officers. They should be registered with OFSTED. There are currently six prisons with MBUs in the UK. |
MCA | Mental Capacity Act | |
MCOL | Money Claim Online | Online service to "take court action against someone if they owe you money and won’t pay you back". |
MCQ | Minor Change Quotation | Related to tender documents. |
MDO | Mentally Disordered Offender | |
MDS | Minimum Data Set | |
MDT | Mandatory Drug Testing | The MDT program, in operation since 1996, serves multiple purposes: providing insights into drug misuse patterns, deterring prisoners from drug use, identifying those needing drug treatment referrals, contributing to drug supply reduction, and enhancing prisoner safety, violence reduction, and order within facilities. Drug testing of offenders can occur for various reasons, with only one managed via NOMIS — the random generated test list. NOMIS lacks an official platform for recording drug testing data. Prisons with an average population of 400 or more must randomly test between 5% and 15% of their population, while those with fewer than 400 must test 10% monthly. Testing follows strict guidelines outlined in the Manual (PSO 3601). |
MFA | Multi-Factor Authentication | |
MFD | Multifunctional device | Printers at MOJ, which can also be used to scan documents (hence the 'multifunctional' bit). |
MHA1983 | Mental Health Act 1983 | |
MI | Management Information | Data or statistics collected and used to measure performance in a business |
Microlise | GPS System allowing real-time vehicle tracking | |
might | denotes a possibility | Formal term from UK Government Orange Book: Management of Risk - Principles and Concepts. |
MINT | Managed INTerconnect | Two firewalls that bridge the OMNI and Quantum networks. |
MIS | Management Information System | |
MITM | Man In The Middle | |
MLRA | Managed Libra Record Access application | Web app used by LAA caseworkers to access court information on Libra |
MODs | Models for Operational Delivery | |
MOiC | Managing Offenders in Custody | |
MOJ | Ministry of Justice | Use capitals - 'MOJ', not 'MoJ'.Departments don’t take the definite article, so 'MOJ', not 'the MOJ'. |
MOJFIN | MoJ Finance | Data warehouse the LAA finance team uses |
MOJO | Ministry of Justice OFFICIAL | End User Computer service developed as a replacement for the QUANTUM end user compute service for HMPS staff. Soon also to host former DOM1 users. |
MOSOVO | Managing sexual offenders and violent offenders | The Sexual or Violent Offender Manager is specially trained in the response to and Management of Sexual or Violent Offenders (MOSOVO) and Active Risk Management (ARMS). |
MOU | Memorandum Of Understanding | |
MP | Modernisation Platform | The Modernisation Platform is a hosting platform where teams can host and modernise applications which are not suitable for Cloud Platform |
MPS | Moving People Safely | |
MPS | Metropolitan Police Service | Aka The MET - Londons Police Force |
MPSI | Ministers, Parliament, Strategy and implementation | |
MQPL | Measuring the Quality of Prisoner Life | |
MSV | Most Serious Violence | |
MTD | Mid Transfer Date | |
MTP | Money To Prisoners | Currently a working name for a project digitising the process of sending money to UK prisoners. |
MTR | Legal Aid Means Test Review | A set of changes to the means test for legal aid. It raises thresholds, and many other changes to the rules, so that more people get legal aid, and therefore access to justice. |
MTU | Modular Temporary Units | |
MVP | Minimum Viable Product | |
My Detail | A system used in prisons to detail staff. Also known as CSR (Corporate Staff Rostering) or InVision WFM | |
NA | Negotiation Advisors | |
NACRO | National Association for the Care & Resettlement of Offenders | |
NACS | Network Access Control Service | A centralised in-house built authentication service that provides access to the MoJ network at a device level. |
NAO | National Audit Office | |
NAP | National Applied Psychology Group | |
NAPO | National Association of Probation Officers | |
NART | National Applications Reporting Team | This team support Reporting from NDelius, OASys and Prison-NOMIS using Business Objects. Answer ad-hoc queries including FOIs, PQs and Research Projects. We're on slack #nart |
NCRD | Notional Conditional Release Date | |
NCSC | National Cyber Security Centre | The National Cyber Security Centre is an organisation of the United Kingdom Government that provides advice and support for the public and private sector in how to avoid computer security threats. |
ND | NDelius | |
NDE | Non-Directly Employed | |
NDelius | National Delius | Probation case management system |
NDH | Nomis Data Hub | Term used by HP, which is part of the NOMIS API architecture for Prison Visits Booking |
NDPB | Non-departmental public body | Literally means a bit of government that's not a department - only really used in government circles. |
NDPDU | National Drug Programme Delivery Unit | |
NDTMS | National Drug Treatment Monitoring Service | The National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) collects person level, patient identifiable data from drug and alcohol treatment providers at a national level |
NEET | Not in Education, Employment, or Training | |
NEMC | National Executive Management Committee | |
NEPACS | (Formerly) The North East Prison After Care Society | A charity working in the north east of England to support prisoners and their families. |
NFA | No Fixed Abode | |
NFR | Non Functional Requirements | |
NFR | Not For Release | |
NGSS | Next Generation Shared Services | |
NIAC | National Intelligence Assessment Centre | |
NID | National Interventions Directory | PSO 4350 |
NIMU | National Incident Management Unit | |
NINo | National Insurance number | |
NISE | Network Information Security Enhancement (Project) | This aims to migrate intranet applications from the existing environment to a new one for reasons of security. |
NMC | New Me Coping | Sex Offender Treatment Programme (no longer running). |
NMO | Non-Molestation Order | |
NMS | New Me Strengths | General Offending Programme |
NOAT | National Operations and Assurance Team | |
NOC | Notice of Change | (Privately Managed Prisons and CRC) |
NOLASA | No on Libra Auto Search | NOLASA (Not On Libra Auto-Search Application) is a micro-service that reads cases that have been marked as 'not-on-libra' from the MLRA database once a day (8pm). It then auto-searches the HMCTS Libra system via the LAA's Infox message broker service. The message protocol used is SOAP.If NOLASA finds that there are results returned for a case it updates its status in MLRA to say 'RESULTS FOUND'. This means that caseworkers can filter 'not on libra' cases to ones that they know they will have results for. They can then prioritize their case searching and linking more effectively. |
Nominals | In Police parlance a ‘nominal’ is someone recently arrested. In prisons, it is a prisoner suspected (and often under surveillance) of carrying out criminal activity within the prison, such as drug dealing. | |
NOMIS | National Offender Management Information System | aka Prison-NOMIS or P-NOMIS. Offender database system that replaced LIDS. Holds details of all prisoner records since 2009, their sentences, and more. |
NOMS | National Offender Management Service | Replaced by HMPPS April 2017 |
NOMS Number | National Offender Management Service Number | Used in Prison-NOMIS as the unique identifier for prisoners. (Note that colloquially it is referred to as both ‘NOMIS ID’ and ‘NOMS ID’ - but in the system it is labelled as ‘NOMS number’. Labelled on the Prison-NOMIS database as OFFENDER_ID_DISPLAY) |
NORA | Non-ORA Sentence (under 12 months for an offence committed before 01/02/2015) | |
NORB | National Operations Readiness Board | |
NORCET | NOMS Occupational Risk Control Evaluation Tool | |
NoS | Notice of Supervision | Appears to apply to Young Offenders (YO) |
NOW | Notices, Orders and Warrants | A product of the Common Platform |
NPA | National Partnership Agreement | Between Home Office and Department of Health |
NPD | Non Parole Date | |
NPPV | Non-police personnel vetting | |
NPS | National Probation Service | Old name for Probation Service (changed June 2021). |
NPS | New/Novel Psychoactive Substances | Also known as PS (Psychoactive Substances), and more commonly as Spice or Legal Highs |
NPT | National Prosecution Team | A joint team of CPS and Association of Chief Police Officers/National Policing Improvement Agency staff. T |
NQOS | Newly Qualified Officers | (Probation) |
NSF | National Security Framework | |
NSI | Non Statutory Intervention | |
NSJE | Non Standard Journal Entry | |
NSMART | National Standards Monitoring And Reporting Tool | Probation standards tool |
NSOGP | Northumbria Sex Offenders Group Programme | Sex Offender Treatment Programme (no longer running). |
NSVC | National Security Vetting Contact | Someone within a team or organisation with knowledge of the security vetting process, and who can help with vetting questions or processes. |
NTC | Not to contact | Used to show that there should be no contact between a prisoner and a prisoner contact. Often used in social visits booking. |
NTP | Notice to prisoners | |
NTRG | National Tactical Response Group | NTRG is a specialist unit of His Majesty's Prison Service in the United Kingdom, who work alongside National Dog & Technical Support Group (NDTSG) that is equipped to respond to serious incidents in prisons, in particular protests and hostage taking incidents. Officers are trained in riot control tactics including methods of entry, working at height and hostage resolution. They wear stab vests, flame retardant uniforms, helmets and armoured gloves and carry explosives, Monadnock PR-24 batons, shields, PAVA incapacitant and smoke bombs. Also known by a number of affectionate terms such as "The Mufti Squad" by Prisoners, most notably Charles Bronson in his various interviews/books etc. In 2018 alone, the unit was deployed 640 times to prisons in England & Wales. |
NDTSG | National Dog & Technical Support Group | See NTRG |
NVDA | NonVisual Desktop Access | Windows screen reader, like JAWS, but free. |
NWOW | New Ways Of Working | |
O/C | Offence Committed | |
OAMU | Offender Assessment and Management Unit | |
OAS | Oracle Analytics Server | Oracle MI reporting tool. Used by LAA for reporting on data in EDW, Mojfin and other sources. OAS is the upgraded version of OBIEE. |
OASys | Offender Assessment System | An offender assessment package. It identifies and classifies offending-related needs, such as anger management, drug dependency, and poor literacy. |
OAT | Operational Acceptance Test | |
OBIEE | Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition | LAA MI reporting tool that was replaced by OAS. |
OBN | Overseas British Network | AKA OBNI |
OBP | Offender Behaviour Programme | |
OBR | Office for Budget Responsibility | "It is the duty of the Office to examine and report on the sustainability of the public finances" |
OCA | Observation, Categorisation and Allocation | |
OCA | Offender classification and assessment | |
OCC | Office for Contracts & Competitions | Home Office department dealing with contracts for Correctional Services |
OCC | Operational Control Centre | |
OCMC | Online Civil Money Claims | |
ODI | Open Data Institute | |
OEM | Oracle Enterprise Manager | Oracle monitoring software, used in CCMS |
offloc | Offender Location report | The old name for the Common Data Extract. |
OFSTED | Office For Standards in Education | |
OGD | Other Government Department | |
OGRS | Offender Group Reconviction Scale | Actuarial predictor of risk of reoffending |
OGSIRO | Office of the Government Senior Information Risk Owner | SIRO for all of government, based in the cabinet office. |
OI | Own Interest | A reason for removing a prisoner from association (See R45) |
OISG | Operational Implementation Support Group | |
OJC | Office for Judicial Complaints | Soon to be JCIO |
OJEU | Official Journal of the European Union | The Official Journal of the European Union (the OJ) is the official gazette of record for the European Union (EU). It is published every working day in all of the official languages of the member states. Most interestingly, it's used as a forum to publish procurement requests to all member states and offers a (longer, slower) alternative to using GCloud. |
OLAP | Online Analytical Processing | |
OLASS | Offenders' Learning and Skills Service | Integrated (prison-based) offender education with mainstream academic and vocational provision. OLASS ceased delivery in 2018, and was replaced by something else (can't remember what though, but it essentially devolved a lot of it down to local purchases at Governor level) |
Oleeo | Website | Recruitment service used during recruitment of Civil Servants, especially where vetting is required. |
OM | Offender Manager | Probation |
OMBCG | Offender Management Business Co-ordination Group | |
OMFQ | Offender Management Feedback Questionnaire | |
OMI | Offender Management Inspection | |
OMiC | Offender Management in Custody | |
OMiC Go | A digital solution providing basic prisoner information, auto allocation of prisoners to KW’s | This may be an old name for the service |
OMIS | Overseas Market Introduction Service | |
OMNI | Offender Management National Infrastructure | A network used to access probation systems |
OMPPG | Offender Management Public Protection Group | |
OMS | Other MOJ Suppliers | |
OMSPD | Offender Management Sub-Programme Board | |
OMU | Offender Management Unit | Handle sentence calc etc in sites |
ONR | OASys National Reporting | |
OOH | Out of hours | |
OPA | CCMS's Oracle Policy Automation | Rulebase engine |
OPD | Offender Personality Disorder | |
OPG | Office of the Public Guardian | |
OPG | Operation Policy Group | |
OPT | Operational Partnerships Team | OPT’s core role is to ensure that information is appropriately shared, while protecting the security and stability of HMPPS sites, staff and operational capabilities. |
OPV | Official Prison Visitor | OPVs visit prisoners who rarely, if ever, have visits from friends or family members. OPVs are volunteers and are independent of the prison and its staff. |
ORA | Offender Rehabilitation Act 2014 | An Act passed by parliament that made changes to the current legislative framework to support these reforms including ensuring offenders released from custodial |
ORA2014 | Offender Rehabilitation Act 2014 | |
Oracle HRMS | Prison Human Resource Management System | Replaced by SOP |
OS | Offender Supervisor | |
OSCAR/OSCAR ONE | Orderley Officer | Oscar One is the radio call sign allocated to the manager in charge of the prison each day. This call sign remains consistent across all prisons, enabling any staff working there from any other sites to contact the Orderley Officer quickly via radio. Oscar One is usually a CM (Custodial Manager) grade who reports to Victor One (Duty Governor), & over-sees the prison & decision-making on a daily basis, through rotation-based rostering. |
OSAG | Operational and System Assurance Group | responsible for several of the audits we hold data for on the Hub and are mentioned in TNs |
OSAP | Offender Substance Misuse Programme | Substance Misuse Programme (no longer running). |
OSG | Operational Support Group/Grade | Operational support grades (OSGs) work in prisons carrying out duties essential to the smooth running of the establishment. They may work in and around a prison establishment or on duties which take them outside - to courts or other prisons, for example. |
OSPT | Official Solicitor and Public Trustee | |
OST | Operational Security Team | |
OWASP | Open Web Application Security Project | |
OWB | Oracle Warehouse Builder | An Oracle Extract Transform Load tool used for some LAA data warehouses |
P-ASRO | Prisons Addressing Substance Related Offending | Substance Misuse Programme (no longer running). |
P-NOMIS | Prison National Offender Management Information System | Operational database used in prisons for the management of offenders. |
P3T | Personnel Physical Procedural Technical | The areas of information assurance. |
PA | (Care Leaver) Personal Advisor | A Personal Advisor (PA) acts as a focal point to make sure that a young person leaving care/prison gets the right support as they move into adulthood |
PAC | Public Accounts Committee | |
PACE | Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 | |
PACE1984 | Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 | |
Pact | Prison Advice and Care Trust | Pact is a pioneering national charity that supports prisoners, people with convictions, and their children and families. |
PADA | Prospective Added Days Awarded | Added days that are awarded whilst an offender is unsentenced, but must be added to the release dates when sentenced. |
PAF | Postcode Address File | The source of data for postcode lookups. The DSD uses this for its own service which converts it to a latitude/longitude, like on Court Finder and CLA Provider Directory. |
PAG | Performance and Analysis Group | Replaced by PPAS |
PAG (Old Name - See PPAS) | Planning and Analysis Group | Now known as PPAS (Prison & Probation Analytical Services) |
PAMS | Prisoner Activity Management System | Not much more info on this at the moment - I understand that it is how they manage prisoner activity, work schedules, learning and visit schedules. |
Parom 1 | Generic Parole Assessment Report | |
PBA | Payment By Account | Payment system streamlining payment by solicitors and other legal professionals across HMCTS services |
PBR | Payment By Results | A methodology whereby payments to suppliers are contingent on the independent verification of work they have performed (results) |
PCC | Police and Crime Commissioner | PCCs are elected to make sure that local police meet the needs of the community |
PCC(S)A2000 | Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 | |
PCI | Payment Card Industry | An industry standards body responsible for regulation of handling debit/credit cards. |
PCL-R | Assessment of Psychopathology | |
PCO | Prisoner Custody Officer | |
PCOL | Possession Claim Online | |
PCOSO | People Convicted Of Sexual Offences | The 'P' may also be known as 'Persons' or 'Prisoners' |
PCR | Pre-sentence report | |
PCS | Public & Commercial Services | Civil Service union. |
PCSC | Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 | |
PCSCA2022 | Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 | |
PCSO | Police Community Support Officer | |
PCUAM | Provider Contracts and User Access Management | |
PCVL | Prison to court video link | |
PDA | Personal Digital Assistant | |
PDB | Probation Delivery Board | |
PDG | Prison Directors Group | |
PDS | Public Defence Service | |
PDU | Probation Delivery Unit | Probation Delivery Unit - previously known as LDU (Local Delivery Unit). |
PE | Physical Education | |
PEA | Prisoner Earnings Act | |
Peakon | People Analytics & Employee Engagement Software | Similar to the People Survey, but we're polled fortnightly instead of yearly |
PECS | Prisoner Escort Custody Services | The provision of prisoner journeys and transfers between prisons, the case and supervision of prisoners in custody in court cell suites and the custody of prisoners in court docks. |
PED | Parole Eligibility Date | |
PEEPs | Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans | To help people evacuate the building in the event of a fire alarm or other emergency, especially if they may have difficulty due to a disability, injury, pregnancy, etc. |
PER | Person Escort Record | |
PETP | Prison Estates Transformation Programme | |
PEX(ER) | Public Expenditure (Efficiency and Reform) Cabinet Sub-committee | |
PF | Petty France | Short name for MOJ main building at 102 Petty France, SW1H 9AJ London |
PF | Policy Framework | |
PFD | President of the Families Division | |
PFI | Private Finance Initiative | A way of creating 'public-private partnerships' where private firms are contracted to complete and manage public projects. |
PFS | Prisoner Facing Service | A service that is provided to a Prisoner |
PGA | Prison Governor's Association | Governor's union |
PGD | Prison Group Director | HMPPS moved to a new delivery structure in April 2018 which introduced Prison Groups and Prison Group Directors (PGDs), each of whom is responsible for the operational delivery and strategic development of around 4 - 7 prisons and line |
PGP | Pretty Good Privacy | A way of encrypting emails in such as way that only the intended recipient can read. |
PHDP | Prison Health Delivery Plan | |
PHE | Public Health England | |
Phoenix | A human resources IT system, replaced by SOP | |
PHW | Public Health Wales | |
PI | Probation Instruction | |
PIA | Privacy Impact Assessment | |
PIAC | Prisoner's Information & Activities Committee | Meets with the SMT every Thursday at 12:30pm |
PIC | Performance Improvement Co-ordinator | |
PID | Project Initiation Document | |
PIMS | Provider Interaction Management System | |
PIO | Police Intelligence Officer | |
PiP | Person in Prison | Target Operating Model (TOM) and other Transition documents make reference to this |
PIP | Personal Independence Payment | |
PIP | Performance Improvement Planning | A strand of the Benchmarking programme |
PIPES | Psychologically Informed Physical Environment Services | |
PIU | Police Intelligence Unit | |
PIU | Protective Isolation Unit | Accomodation for known or probable COVID-19 cases |
PLIC | Prison leavers Innovation Challenge | It aims to develop innovative new solutions to break the cycle of reoffending |
PLP | Personal Learning Plan | |
PMBLO | Pregnancy, Mother and Baby Unit Liaison Officer | |
PMO | Project Management Office | Bit of organisation that sets standards for project management. |
PMP | Privately Managed Prisons | |
PMR | Performance Management Review | Civil Servant performance reviews |
PMU | Prison Management Unit | |
PMU | Population Management Unit | |
PNC | Police National Computer | The Police National Computer is used to facilitate investigations and sharing information of both national and local importance. |
PNCiD | Police National Computer Id | To identify a particular person by the number allocated by police when creating a record on the PNC. |
PO | Prison Officer | |
PO | Probation Officer | Not to be confused with Prison Officer in much OM literature |
POA | Payment on account | LAA term for when a provider requests to be paid for part of the work they already carried out, before they submit their final claim/bill |
POA | Prison Officer's Association | Prison officer's union |
PoC | Proof of Concept | |
POELT | Prison Officer Entry Level Training | A 12 week programme that equips new officers with the skills and knowledge needed to begin their careers working in the prison service and rehabilitate offenders. |
POLAR | Payment of Legal Aid Remuneration | Legacy system for recording and tracking all claims received by the National Taxing Team (NTT) as part of assessing Legal Aid claims |
POM | Prison Offender Manager | The new Case Manager/Band 4 Prison Officer |
POM | Probation Offender Manager | Probation Service Role in Prison |
POMC | Prison Operations Management Committee | Replaced by SOLT |
PoP | Person on Probation | Community / Suspended Sentence Order - Target Operating Model (TOM) and other Transition documents make reference to this |
POPO | Prolific and Other Priority Offender | |
POPs | Privately Operated Prisons | |
POS | Prison Onsite Support | |
POSOE | Provision Of a Safe Operating Environment | SBC |
POTO | Priestley One to One Programme | General Offending Programme (no longer running). |
PP | Probation Practitioner | |
PPAS | Prison and Probation Analytical Services | Formerly PAG, part of the Ministry of Justice Analytical Services directorate. |
PPCS | Public Protection Casework Section | |
PPD | Project & Program Delivery | |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment | |
PPI | Payment Protection Insurance | Insurance product that provided insurance to borrowers, if unable to repay for unforeseen reasons |
PPM | Project & Program Management | |
PPMHG | Public Protection and Mental Health Group | Formally PPU - Public Protection Unit |
PPO | Prison and Probation Ombudsman | The Prison and Probation Ombudsman carries out independent investigations into deaths and complaints in custody. |
PPO | Priority Prolific Offender | |
PPRC | Persons posing a risk to children | |
PPT | Prison Performance Tool | |
PPU | Public Protection Unit | |
PPUD | Public Protection Unit Database | Licensing of Prisoners: Manages Recalls and Parole. Prison and Probation can access this system, that is primarily used by a large team (Circa 150 people) in Petty France. This is being replaced but unclear with what and when |
PQ | Parliamentary Question | |
PQiP | Professional Qualification in Probation | |
PRC | Prisons Research Centre | University of Cambridge |
Pre Con | Previous Conviction | |
Precons | Pre-convictions | These are found on the PNC. A PDF ‘Printout’ of precons for a particular offender is used by court probation officers |
PRP | Probation Reform Programme | A Draft Target Operating Model for the Future of Probation Services in England and Wales |
PRRD | Post Recall Release Date | |
PRS | Prison Rating System | A system designed to provide a prison rating based on an assessment of output with additional factors such as audits and surveys. Replaced by the CPT in 2017/2018 |
PS | Police Sergeant | |
PS | Probation Service | New name (June 2021) for what was the National Probation Service. |
PSA | Public Service Agreement | MoJ Business Objectives |
PSD | Personal and Social Development | Refers to courses such as art courses, which seek to foster PSD |
PSE | Police Sergeant Employee | |
PSfR | Prepare someone for release | Staff facing resettlement service |
PSG | Policy and Strategy Group | |
PSI | Prison Service Instructions | Rules, regulations and guidelines by which prisons are run. See also PSO |
PSI | Public Sector Information | Any information (content) whatever its medium (form) – including print, digital or electronic, and sound recordings – produced, held or disseminated by a public sector body is considered public sector information. This includes an enormous range: corporate information such as reports and financial data, codes of practice, public records, statistics, still and moving images, press releases, artefacts, publication schemes, and so on. |
PSITA | Police Station Immigration Telephone Advice | There are 3 different firms. A part of the solicitor role. |
PSN | Public Services Network | The PSN is the government’s high-performance network, which helps public sector organisations work together, reduce duplication and share resources |
PSNP | PSN for Police | PSN + encryption, used by police forces |
PSO | Prison Service Orders | Rules, regulations and guidelines by which prisons are run. These are outlined in Prison Service Instructions (PSIs) and Prison Service Orders (PSOs). |
PSO | Probation Service Officer | |
PSOA | Provider Statement of Account | A financial statement produced by LAA, showing the position between LAA and a legal aid provider |
PSP | Public Sector Prisons | |
PSP | Public Social Partnership | |
PSRs | Pre-Sentence Reports | |
PSS | Post Sentence Supervision | |
PSU | Personal Support Unit | |
PSU | Prison Service Union | Prison officer's union |
PTPH | Plea and Trial Preparation Hearing | |
PTR | Prisoner Transfer Request | |
PTTP | Prison Technology Transformation Programme | Laptops, mobile devices, applications, etc. for the whole of HMPPS. Replacement for Quantum. Programme commenced 2020. |
PUI | CCMS's Provider User Interface | Provider facing part of CCMS. It's used by providers to submit, amend and follow up on legal aid applications for civil cases. |
PUM | Portal User Management | Use by LAA Online support team to reset users passwords, unlock their accounts and assign CCLF roles to users. |
PVB | Prison Visits Bookings | The historic name of the 'Visit someone in prison' service used by the public to request social visits with prisoners. |
PVO | Privileged Visiting Order | Extra visiting credit for enhanced prisoners. One or two extra visits per month. |
PyF | Plan your future | Tool used by prisoners leaving prison. |
Q&A | Questions & Answers | |
QA | Quality Assurance | |
QAT | Quality Assurance Testing | |
Qlikview | Third Party Business Intelligence software | |
QPC | Quantum Principal Contact | |
QUANTUM | Prison Service IT System | |
R&D | Research & Development | |
R&R | Reward & Recognition | |
R&R | Reasoning and Rehabilitation | |
R45 | Rule 45 | Prison rule which allows a governor to remove a prisoner from association with others, either for GOOD or OI. |
RAA | Regional Assurance Advisor | |
RAB | Resource Accounting & Budgeting | |
RACI | Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed | "Accountable" is sometimes "Approved" |
RAD | Rapid Application Development | |
RADA | Restoration of Added Days Awarded | |
RAG | Race Advisory Group | |
RAG | Red Amber Green | Traffic lights system of highlighting performance figures |
RAID | Risks, Issues, Assumptions and Dependencies | |
RAMP | Risk Assessment and Management Panel | |
RAR | Rehabilitation Activity Requirement | |
RBAC | Role Based Access Control | |
RBCP | Regional Business Change Partner | |
RBCSM | Regional Business Change Manager | A requirement introduced by the Offender Rehabilitation Act 2014 replacing the existing Supervision Requirement and Activity Requirement. The intention is to create a requirement that will enable providers to work with offenders with sufficient flexibility to meet their needs and more effectively rehabilitate them. |
RBRu | Rapid Build Residential unit | |
RC | Regional Change | Incorrectly entered. Please see RCBP. |
RCJ | Royal Courts of Justice | Contains both the High Court and Courts of Appeal, based on the Stand in London. Definitely *not* like a large County Court! |
RCSG | Rehabilitation and Care Services Group | |
RCU | Reverse Cohorting Unit | Accommodation for a designated period of time for new receptions, recalls, transfers or prisoners returning from hospital, allowing emergent infectious cases to be detected before individuals enter the general population |
RDC | Rapid Deployment Cells | |
RDR | Resettlement Day Release | Relates to RoTL (Release on Temporary Licence) documentation |
RDS | Research Development and Statistics | |
REAG | Race & Equalities Action Group | |
REAP | Race Equality Action Plan | |
RESOLVE | Resolve | Violence Programme |
RESPECT | Racial Equality for Staff | The Prison Service's staff self-support network for minority ethnic staff. Aims to eliminate racism in the workplace. |
RESPOND | Racial Equality for Staff & Prisoners | The Prison Service programme for achieving racial equality for staff and prisoners. |
RFS | Request for Service | A procurement term used in NOMS (elsewhere?), specifically with HP to define new change requests and projects |
RIC | Remand in custody | |
RIDDOR | Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences | |
RIDs | Receipt, Inspection and Dispatch Units | |
RIE | Release in Error | |
RIPA | Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 | Regulations with regards the use of surveillance/CCTV etc. |
RM2000 | Risk Matrix 2000 | A static risk assessment for sex offenders over the age of 18 |
RMAD | Risk Management Accreditation Document | See RMADS |
RMADS | Risk Management and Accreditation Document Set | |
RMP | Risk Management Plan | |
ROC | Remuneration of Central Fund Costs | It is used by a team of LAA caseworkers called 'Criminal cases unit'. They are the ones who assess claim for payments for any type of crime work that sits outside the graduated fee scheme. It's like processing payments for exceptional cases but it doesn't come from the Exception Case Funding scheme (which is only applicable for Civil). Providers claim those payments by emailing an Excel form to the Criminal case unit (there are 8 different forms depending on what's being claimed) who then log the claim into ROC, assess the claim and then send it to SSCL who processes the payment. |
RoCLA | Review of Civil Legal Aid | |
ROET | Restricted Open Estate Transfer | The scheme was active from 25 September to 9 October 2023. Eligibility for ROET was limited to prisoners serving a standard determinate sentence with an automatic release point at the halfway point of their sentence who were between 7 and 28 days away from their conditional release date. |
RoH | Risk of Harm | |
ROM | Rough Order of Magnitude | A crude estimate of the cost of a project. See also SWAG and PIDOOMA. Could also stand for 'read-only memory'. |
ROPARPS | The Release of Prisoners (Alteration of Relevant Proportion of Sentence) Order 2020 | |
ROPARPS2020 | The Release of Prisoners (Alteration of Relevant Proportion of Sentence) Order 2020 | |
ROR | Resettlement Overnight Release | Relates to RoTL (Release on Temporary Licence) documentation |
ROR | Restoration of Remission | Synonym for Restoration of Added Days Awarded (RADA) |
ROSH | Risk of Serious Harm | |
ROTL | Release On Temporary Licence | A mechanism that enables prisoners to participate in necessary activities, outside of the prison establishment, that directly contribute to their resettlement into the community. There are four types of temporary release licences. |
RP | Rolling Programme | Sex Offender Treatment Programme (no longer running). |
RPA | Robotic Process Automation | |
RPD | Regional Probation Director | |
RPM | Royal Prerogative of Mercy | |
RPTS | Residential Property Tribunal Service | |
RRAP | Reducing re-offending Regional Action Plan | |
RRDS | Records Retention and Disposition Schedule | |
RRLO | Race Relations Liaison Officer | |
RRMT | Race Relations Management Team | |
RS | Restricted Status prisoners | |
RSG | Rehabilitation Services Group | |
RSHO | Risk of Sexual Harm Order | |
RSIPB | Resource Strategy Implementation Programme Board | |
RSR | Risk of Serious Recidivism | Algorithmic predictor |
RTM | Requirements Traceability Matrix | |
RTUs | Ready To Use Units | |
RTW | Right To Work | Evidence that someone is eligible to work lawfully in the UK. |
Rx | Remand to Custody | |
S&A | Strategy & Assurance | |
S3 | Simple Storage Service | Amazon's data storage service |
SA2020 | Sentencing Act 2020 | |
SAQ | Self Assessment Questionnaire | A form completed within the first couple days of starting custody in prison, by a new prisoner |
SAR | Subject Access Request | Similar to an FOI, but for yourself. At the MOJ this is typically used by prisoners or civil servants. |
SARA | Spousal Assault Risk Assessment | |
SARN | Structured Assessment of Risk and Need | |
SASH | Suicide and Self Harm | |
SAU | Standards Audit Unit | |
SAV | Security Architecture Review | A term used by IA (Information Assurance) |
SBC | Specification, Benchmarking and Costing | |
SC | Security Check | Level of Security Clearance |
SC2020 | Sentencing Code 2020 | |
SCA | Start Custody Assessments | |
SCA2007 | Serious Crime Act 2007 | |
SCC | Service Civilian Court | |
SCC | Specialist Computer Centres | Providers of web hosting |
SCG | Safer Custody Group | |
SCH | Secure Children's Home | A Secure Children's Home is a type of Youth Detention Accommodation and/or Secure Welfare Accommodation that accommodates children and young people between the ages of 10-17. |
SCMS | Small Claims Mediation Service | Mediation service for people involved in small claim disputes. Applies to cases worth less than £10,000. |
SCP | Self Change Programme | Violence Programme (no longer running). |
SCS | Senior Civil Servant | Someone with a senior post in the Civil Service, for example a Director. |
SCSBP | Senior Civil Service Business Partner | Organisation or individual who assists during recruitment of a Senior Civil Servant. |
SCT | Standards Coaching Team | Specially-trained prison staff who support and train officers in some of the country’s most challenging jails. |
SCU | Separation & Care Unit | Also / previously known as the Segregation Unit (Seg) |
SDI | Service Delivery Indicator | |
SDO | Standard Directions Order | Instructions from the court, issued to parties on how they should prepare for a legal case |
SDOPC | Special Sentence of Detention for Terrorist Offenders of Particular Concern | |
SDP | Short Duration Programme | Substance Misuse Programme (no longer running). |
SDR | Service Delivery Requirements | |
SDS | Safe, Decent & Secure | |
SDS | Secure Document Storage | A team in LAA whose mission is to provide LAA digital products and services with a secure document service as a common capability. |
SDS | Standard Determinate Sentence | |
SDS+ | Standard Determinate Sentence Plus (2/3rds release | |
SDT | Safety Diagnostic Tool | |
SED | Sentence Expiry Date | |
SEG | Strategy and Effectiveness Group | |
Segregation Unit | Also known as Seg, Solitary Confinement, SCU & CSC | |
SEO | Search engine optimisation | Improving search rankings for your site - for instance by using popular search terms in titles or web copy. |
SERS | Proprietary Serco software | Used to plan and store PECS movements and milestone events |
SFA | Skills Funding Agency | A partner organisation of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and our job is to fund and regulate adult further education and skills training in England. |
SFO | Serious Further Offence | |
SHA | Strategic Health Authority | |
shall | denotes a requirement: a mandatory element | Formal term from UK Government Orange Book: Management of Risk - Principles and Concepts. |
should | denotes a recommendation: an advisory element | Formal term from UK Government Orange Book: Management of Risk - Principles and Concepts. |
SHPO | Sexual Harm Prevention Orders | |
SID | Self Inflicted Death | |
SIDs | Self Inflicted Death | |
SIG | Service Integration Group | |
SIM | Service Incident and Management | |
SiP | Staff in Post | |
SIR | Security Information Record | |
SIR (Now superseded by IR) | Security Information Report | Prison. A previous method of reporting intelligence information to the Security department via paper. Now superseded by IR (Intelligence Report) generally submitted electronically via the Mercury system |
SIRB | Security Information Risk Board | |
SIRO | Senior Information Risk Owner | |
SIWG | Strategy and Implementation Working Group | |
SL | Service Level measure | Synonymous with “service level”, “performance measure”, “performance metric” and “assurance metric”. These are descriptions of the activities monitored for performance purposes. |
SLA | Service Level Agreement | |
SLC | Student Loans Company | |
SLED | Sentence and Licence Expiry Date | |
SLM | Send legal mail to prisons | |
SMART | Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Time-bound | |
SMB | Strategic Management Board | |
SME | Small or medium-sized enterprise | |
SME | Subject matter expert | In LAA it is an expert on a particular part of legal aid policy/delivery |
SMOD | Subject Matter of Dispute | If a legal dispute is about the ownership of an asset, then the value of that asset may be treated differently when calculating eligibility for legal aid for the dispute |
SMP | Substance Misuse Programme | |
SMS (in the Hub) | Supplier Management System | CWA (Contracted Work and Administration)'s Supplier (Legal Provider) data |
SMT | Senior Management Team | |
SNOW | Service Now | Contraction used by Prison staff |
SO | Supervising Officer | |
SOA | Service-Oriented Architecture | Both a term and a product suite from Oracle, responsible for providing a point of interface for external integrations for CCMS for case creation |
SOCT | Security, Order and Counter Terrorism | |
SOLT | Senior Operational Leadership Team | Replaced POMC |
SoMo | Social Mobility | |
SOP | Single Operating Platform | The HR system for the Ministry of Justice and other government departments. Used to complete HR, procurement, finance and payroll transactions. |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure | |
SOPC | Special Custodial Sentence for Certain Offenders of Particular Concern | |
SoS | Secretary of State | The Cabinet Minister in charge of a government department. |
SOTP | Sex Offender Treatment programme | |
SPC | Suicide Prevention Co-ordinator | |
SPG | Strategic Partner Gateway | |
SPIP | Separated Parents Information Program | Organises parent meetings with moderator. |
SPL | Special Purpose License | A type of ROTL |
SPO | Senior Probation Officer | |
SPO | Sentence Plan Outcomes | |
SPOC | Single Point of Contact | |
SPOF | Single Point of Failure | Often refers to a single system, machine or person without which/whom a process/system/company will grind to a halt. |
SPR | Sentence Planning & Review | |
SPRM | Sentence Plan Review Meeting | |
SPTL | Suicide Prevention team Leader | |
SR | Service Release | Used by NDelius application team to reference releases |
SRA | Security Risk Assessments | |
SRE | Site Reliability Engineer | |
SRO | Senior Responsible Owner | In MOJ, the SRO is a single, senior, accountable figure, representing business needs and decisions. A key feature of good governance for all types of Programmes and Projects, there should be one on each project. |
SRO | Sexual Risk of Harm Order | |
SSC | Shared Services Connected | Now known as Shared Services Connected Limited (SSCL). |
SSCL | Shared Services Connected Limited | Central government HR/finance management team, based in Newport, Wales. Responsible for management of Phoenix (HR system in a big Oracle DB). |
SSCS | Social security and child support | As in 'Social Security and Child Support Tribunal', which deals with appeals about benefits decisions. |
SSCU | Separation, Support and Care (segregation) Unit | |
SSG | Small Systems Group | App making people at ICT |
SSO | Suspended Sentence Order | |
SSOT | Single Source Of Truth | |
SSP | Shared Services Programme | |
STC | Secure Training Centre | Privately-run, education-focussed centres for children aged 12-17. |
STOP | Substance, Treatment and Offending Programme | Drugs programme |
STS | Serious Terrorism Sentence | |
SU | Service User | An offender in probation parlance |
SU | Shielding Unit | Accommodation to protect the most vulnerable, with enhanced levels of biosecurity including dedicated staff |
SUPS | the programming framework used to create a variety of HMCTS systems | SUPS comes in different flavours. MCOL is written against SUPS 15, which is implemented in J2EE and the Java Spring framework. PCOL chose to use an older version, SUPS9, which has significant performance issues.SUPS is also sometimes used as shorthand for a contract which has Juror, Familyman and Caseman inside it. |
SUS | System Usability Scale | The System Usability Scale (SUS) provides a “quick and dirty”, reliable tool for measuring the usability. It consists of a 10 item questionnaire with five response options for respondents. |
SWAG | Scientific, Wild-Ass Guess | Rough guess of how much a project will cost. See also ROM and PIDOOMA. |
Syscon | Software company who provide Prison-NOMIS | "Syscon Justice Systems is the world's leading provider of offender management solutions, used by more jails and prisons to manage offenders than any other" |
SystmOne | Name for the digital Healthcare System used by prison NHS staff | Often referred to as System One, but whilst it’s pronounced the same, the e isn’t actually in the name. |
TA | Technical Architecture | |
TACT | Terrorism ACT | ‘TACT Prisoner’ |
TAD | Technical Architecture Document | |
TAD | Tender Assessment Database | Used by LAA to record assessment of contract tender responses. |
TC | Therapeutic Community | |
TCEP | Transforming Compliance and Enforcement Project/Programme | |
TCM | Temporary Custodial Module | |
TCoP | Technology Code of Practice | The Technology Code of Practice is a cross-government agreed standard used for the [Cabinet Office spend control](https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/cabinet-office-controls) process and the [Local Digital Declaration](https://www.localdigital.gov.uk/declaration/). |
TDiP | Transforming Delivery in Prisons | |
TED | Tenders Electronic Daily | TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) is the online version of the 'Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU', dedicated to European public procurement.TED provides free access to business opportunities. It is updated 5 times a week with some 1,500 public procurement notices from the European Union, the European Economic Area and beyond. |
TERS | Tariff Early Removal Scheme | |
TERSED | Tariff Early Removal Scheme Eligibility Date | |
TF | Think First | General Offending Programme (no longer running). |
THD | Target Hearing Date | |
Throughcare | Also known as 'Resettlement' | Preparing prisoners for release, including issues such as accommodation, benefits, etc |
TIL | Today I Learned | |
Timewise | Timewise Offender Behaviour Programme | General Offending Programme |
TLA | Three Letter Acronym | |
tma;dr | Too many acronyms; didn't read. | One made up especially for the civil service. |
TMB | The Magenta Book | The Magenta Book is a set of guidance notes for policy evaluators and analysts, and people who use and commission policy evaluation. |
TN | Technical Note | A Hub document which provides the technical details of the service level measures, including how they are calculated. |
TNA | The National Archives | |
TNA | Training Needs Analysis | |
TOIL | Time Off in Lieu | |
ToR | Terms of reference | |
TORNADO | Tornado Team | Staff who are trained to a higher level of C&R, who are deployed to support NTRG, Gold Command etc when an incident is under-way that requires additional, highly trained staff in attendance, such as the mass disturbance that broke out on four wings of HMP Birmingham, which was run by the contractor G4S, on 16th December 2016. Training includes being pelted with bricks, bottles, molotovs etc - not for those of a nervous disposition. |
TORERA | Terrorist Offenders (Restriction of Early Release) Act 2020 | |
TORERA2020 | Terrorist Offenders (Restriction of Early Release) Act 2020 | |
TP | Temporary Promotion | Term usually used in relation to short term career promotions and covering the role of a higher band member of staff |
TPRS | Temporary Presumptive Recategorisation Scheme | TPRS is an urgent measure designed to facilitate the presumptive recategorisation of prisoners from category C to category D to make the best use of the prison estate. |
TR | Transforming Rehabilitation | |
Traka | Traka key systems only allow authorised users to access prison keys, ensuring they remain accounted for at all times. | |
TSP | Thinking Skills Programme | An intervention that deals with domestic violence issues |
TTG | Through The Gate | The means by which a greater number of offenders are given continuous support from custody into the community. |
TTP | Technology Transition Programme | Replacement for DOM1 and DISC IT programme.Move to MS Asure cloud based service, Office 365. |
TUPE | TUPE stands for Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) | |
TUSED | Top Up Supervision Expiry Date | |
TV | Tender Verification | |
TVM | Transaction Volume Model | |
TVSOGP | Thames Valley Sex Offenders Group Programme | Sex Offender Treatment Programme (no longer running). |
TW3 | The Way We Work | |
UAL | Unlawfully At Large | |
UAT | User Acceptance Test | |
UC | Universal Credit | |
UCPD | User Centred Policy Design | |
UI | User Interface | |
UKTI | UK Trade & Investment | |
UoF | Use of Force | |
UPC | Unwanted prisoner contact | |
UPW | UnPaid Work | |
UX | User Experience | |
VAR Form | Vehicle Activity Report form | Contingency if PDA fails |
VC | The Virtual Campus | |
VCC | Video Conferencing Centres | Video conferencing centres (VCCs) are modern video facilities, purpose-built in prisons that serve the courts. VCCs are designed so they are suitable for court and parole hearings. They are also suitable for legal consultations. VCCs are not used for family or social visits by video call. |
VCD | View Court Data | LAA web app for viewing data from HMCTS's "Common Platform" |
VCS | Voluntary & Community Sector | |
VDS | Virtual Desktop Services | |
VDT | Violence Diagnostic Tool | Provides regular Management Information on violence to all levels of the agency and HMPS |
VDT | Voluntary Drug Testing | A scheme that allowed offenders to sign a compact agreeing to be drug tested at regular intervals to help them remain drug free & help them prove this, usually as part of their sentence plan, or in cases relating to Social Services etc. |
VDTU | Voluntary Drug Testing Unit | A dedicated place for offenders to either attend or reside when undertaking part of the VDT programme. Often a VDTU which was a residential wing with a testing room incorporated, would be of a higher standard & have additional facilities which would be a perk to encourage offenders to want to adhere to the VDT testing compact & remain on the wing. Sadly most of these are no longer in operation due to budget cuts, & over crowding issues meaning the wings have had to be turned back into normal residential units |
VEDS | Voluntary Early Departure Scheme | A scheme introduced around 2008, to allow Uniformed Prison Staff to retire early with a lump sum payment. |
VHS | Video Hearings Service | |
VICSO | Veteran in Custody Support Officer | |
VICTOR/VICTOR ONE | Victor One | Duty Governor in charge of the prison each day. This is one of the few call signs that remain consistent across all prisons, to allow any visiting staff to be able to radio for assistance quickly when needed. |
ViCTOR | Velocity Intune Configurator | |
VIS | Victims Information Service | |
ViSOR | Violent and Sex Offender Register | ViSOR is a secure national database that can be accessed by the Police, Probation, and Prison services, allowing the three services to work on the same system to help reduce reoffending. This is being replaced by MAPPS (see above) |
VLE | Virtual Learning Environments | |
VO | Visiting Order | Visiting credit for prisoners in the form of a reference number. Usually 2 a month. |
VOM | Vehicle Operations Manager | |
VP | Vulnerable Prisoner | |
VPS | Virtual Private Server | |
VPU | Vulnerable Prisoner Unit | |
VSiP | Vist someone in prison | |
VSR | Victim Summary Reports | |
WAIS | Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale | Test used for diagnosing learning difficulties and disabilities (LDD) |
WAN | Wide Area Network | |
WASI | Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence | Shorter version of WAIS assessment tool |
WAV | Weighted Average Volumes | |
WCAG | Web Content Accessibility Guidelines | |
WFH | Work From Home | |
WFPT | Workforce Planning Tool | |
WIS | Witness Intermediary Scheme | |
WLB | Work-Life Balance | |
WLMT | WorkLoad Measurement Tool | |
WP360G | Citrix Windows 7 environment used by NOMS staff | WP360G is the Citrix environment used by NOMS staff to connect to a Windows 7 session from Quantum systems (which run Windows XP). |
WTG | Web Technology Group | Sub-contractor to Logica, they have access to the majority of our DNS zone files (incl. justice.gov.uk) and charge HYUGE amounts for small changes. |
WTP | Workplace Technology Programme | WTP provides a generation of end-user devices, in use c.2018-2020, by HMPPS office staff. Laptops and O365 & GSuite. They were previously using Quantum devices. WTP will be replaced by PTTP. |
WVD | Windows Virtual Desktop | |
XHIBIT | Exchanging Hearing Information by Internet Technology | Case management system used by Crown Courts only to record case details, hearing dates, applicant details etc. Note that this system is not used by Magistrates Courts. |
XOD | Shift swap, shorthand used in some prisons | May have also rendered this as EXOD or X-OD |
XXCCMS | Name of an LAA database schema. According to old rules, XX is the standard prefix for customization in EBS (E-Business Suite) | |
YCS | Youth Custody Service | |
YJAF | Youth Justice Application Framework | |
YJB | Youth Justice Board | |
YO | Young Offender | |
YOA | Young Adult Offenders | |
YOI | Young Offender Institution | A type of prison in England and Wales intended for offenders aged beween 18-20, although some prisons cater for younger offenders. |
YOS | Youth Offending Service | |
YOT | Youth Offending Team | A multi-agency team co-ordinated by a local authority, overseen by the YJB, that deals with young offenders and attempts to prevent youth recidivism and incarceration. |
YTD | Year To Date |